Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,22

helped her in bed. “How long before they let you fly the coop?”

“I should find out today. I’m hoping by tomorrow or the next day at the latest. I might be moving slow, but I’m moving and I can continue physical therapy as an outpatient.”

“I see no reason why you can’t go home, but it’s up to the doctor. You’re doing great so I’d say there’s a good chance he’ll let you out.”

“From your mouth to God’s ears,” Julie quipped. She eased under the covers and looked down at the card as Cal came in.

“What’s shakin’, girlie? Hey, Kelly.” She spotted the flowers. “Whoa, mama, who spent all that dough on you, chick? Look at those friggin’ roses, would you?”

“Yeah. They just got here,” Julie said, shaking her head. “Yes, it was very nice of someone to think of me and go to the trouble, but I specifically asked for people not to do that. I don’t understand why they don’t listen. It’s not hard. If I ask you not to do something, it means don’t do it.” Her agency or one of the production companies she’d worked for had probably sent them. No expense had been spared on this bouquet.

“Yikes,” Cal muttered. “Crabby much? I’ll be happy to take them off your hands. Who are they from anyway?”

Julie looked at the card still in her hand and the small hope that Troy might have sent them vanished as she scanned it. “Oh my God, this is priceless. Listen. ‘To Julie, I couldn’t imagine a world without you. Hope these roses make your recovery more bearable. We’ll be together soon, I promise. My undying love, Allen.’”

“Who’s Allen?” Cal asked.

“I have no idea. I don’t know any Allens,” Julie replied.

Cal chuckled. “Okay, so the next question is where does Allen live? Never Never Land? Someone needs to wake him up from that dream. Next.” She picked up the stack of envelopes near the flowers. “Here, these look normal.”

“Normal is good.” Julie snatched the cards and read through most of the stack. Two marriage propositions and dozens of get-well wishes made her feel better. Julie opened the second to last and pulled out a folded piece of notebook paper. The large block print jumped off the page. YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED. WE’D BE BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU. Chills streaked down her arms and spine as her mouth dried up. She flipped to the other side to see if she’d missed anything.

“What?” Cal asked, obviously reading the expression on her face.

Julie wanted to rip it up and pretend she’d never seen it, but knew better. This was the kind of the thing the police would want to see. “Clearly this guy didn’t like my last movie.”

Cal laughed. “Why? What’d he say?”

“You can read, but don’t touch. My prints are already on it so no reason to add yours.” Julie angled the letter.

Cal read aloud, “‘You should have died. We’d be better off without you.’ Ah,” she said, nodding her head. “More hate mail. Your favorite. It’s signed A. Look at you and your admirers,” she murmured.

Kelly looked over Cal’s shoulder and gasped. “Oh, my God! That’s a kind of admiration I could do without. Creepsville,” she muttered before heading to the door. She shuddered and waved. “See you tomorrow, Julie.”

“Bye,” Julie called absently. “Great. Now every time I meet a guy with the first initial A, I’m going to wonder if he hates me.” Or if he tried to kill me. She folded and replaced the note in the envelope.

“Not everyone.” Cal tapped her arm. “We know Allen loves you. Apparently, getting shot brings out the crazies.” Cal gestured to the table. “You want to open the rest of these? There are only a few more.”

Shaking her head, Julie snorted. “Nope. I’m done with mail for today.” Eyeing the remaining stack, she glanced at Cal. “Can you take it all and let Abbey sort through them?” It was easier to forget about it and stare at the flowers. The very unnecessary flowers.

“Yeah, sure. What are you going to do with that?” Cal asked, referring to the letter.

“Normally, it would go in the bin with all my other crazy mail, but I’ll call the detectives on the case and let them know. I’m sure they’ll want it. Can we drop it now?”


Julie stared at the flowers. A tickle started in her nose and she sneezed. The movement pulled her stitches and she gasped at the twinge of pain. “Fragrant, aren’t they?”

“Very,” Cal teased.

“Too fragrant,” Copyright 2016 - 2024