Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,23

she groused. She buzzed for the nurse and when Wendy came in, she asked her to take the flowers to the pediatric ward. Out of sight, out of mind. Whoever Allen was, she doubted he’d find out she’d given his flowers away. Besides, the only man with an excuse for sending flowers wasn’t the man who sent them.

Didn’t that just suck?

* * *

Cal arrived the next afternoon to take Julie home. She showed up in another pair of sky-high wedges and capri pants that showed off her fabulous legs. Her tight T-shirt outlined every petite curve of her hard body. “Sorry I’m late. I had to make sure Drew got on the plane.”

“Not a problem. I’m still waiting for the doctor to sign me out,” Julie said from the chair near the window, “but it should be anytime now.” Wearing loose sweats already gave her a sense of freedom. She wanted to take home her hospital gown with the sole intention of burning it. “I forgot, where did you say Drew was going?”

“Connecticut. I set him up to volunteer building low-income housing for a few weeks. I’m hoping that the experience brings him out of his shell and gives him some perspective. I can’t seem to do it myself.”

“I’ll bet it’ll be great for him. Drew will come back a new man.”

Cal plopped into the empty seat. “I sure as hell hope so.”

Julie’s cell phone rang and she checked the screen. “It’s Ari. I should probably take this.”

Waving her to do so, Cal stuck her feet up on the end of the bed, pulled her iPad out of her bag and started playing a game.

Julie answered the phone.

“Querida,” Ari crooned. “How are you? I feel terrible that I wasn’t able to see you the last two days. Work has been taking all my time. When will you get out of there and when can I take you out for a special dinner, just the two of us?” His accent came from a unique blend of cultures. His father was Italian, but his mother was half Spanish and half Middle Eastern. Though his hazel eyes were striking, his dark shiny hair—slicked back with enough product for a fleet of Armani models—killed any possibility of attraction for Julie even if the man hadn’t been married.

Julie imagined Ari sitting at his giant desk in his extravagant office, leaning back in his leather chair the way he did when he negotiated a deal. She’d seen him in action, during preproduction of Dangerous Race. As usual, she tiptoed through the minefield of Ari. As much as she wanted an answer about the film, she had no intention of sleeping her way to get it. “I’m fine. In fact I’m waiting to be released right now.”

“Wonderful!” he said. “Can I come pick you up and take you home?”

The offer shocked her, but he probably had ulterior motives. She’d known the man long enough to realize that. “No need. I’ve got Carrie Ann. She’ll take me.”

“You know, I set up a reward for anyone with information leading to the arrest of the bastard who did this to you.”

“I know, Ari. That was very sweet of you. Thank you.” It was also another carrot he had to dangle in front of her nose in hopes she’d reconsider his proposition.

“Querida, you know we have to talk about the part. Tonight, I’ll come over with some dinner and wine and we’ll talk.”

“I’m not sure—”

“Nonsense. You need to eat and we need to talk about the project. I’ll be there at seven.” He hung up the phone and left Julie staring at the screen.

“What was that about?” Cal asked, with one lifted eyebrow.

“Ari just invited himself over for dinner tonight. He wants to talk about the movie. I know I can’t do it since I’ve been shot. Production will start before I’m physically strong enough for the role. He already told me the window for the project is now or six months from now, and six months from now he loses his director of photography. I don’t think he’s as worried about finding an actress for the lead as he is about keeping his DP. I just wish he didn’t feel the need to break the news to me in person. I’m a big girl. I can handle a rejection over the phone.”

“He’s not coming over just for dinner,” Cal reminded her.

“How many times do I have to tell the guy no before he gets it? I mean, seriously...does he really Copyright 2016 - 2024