Living Dangerously - By Dee J. Adams Page 0,21

up and went back to his room where his four-wheeled chariot awaited.

* * *

After visiting the pediatric ward, Julie finished her rehab session early and wiped off the sweat. She’d sent Abbey home after the elevator fiasco. The poor kid was still shaking after fifteen minutes so Julie gave her the afternoon off.

Now, in front of the bathroom mirror, Julie took an extra few minutes to fix her hair and put on a little lip gloss. She grinned at her reflection, then lost the smile. “Stop it,” she told herself. “He’s just a man. You talk to men all the time.

“Not men who dodge bullets and risk their life for you,” she answered herself.

She thought about other men coming to her aid the way Troy had done, and laughed out loud. Lucas Monroe and Leo Frost would’ve fought over being the first to run away screaming for help.

She ran her hand through her hair and tousled it just enough to make it look like she hadn’t styled it. She wanted more time with Troy, just to talk. Cal had hung around yesterday and Julie hadn’t had a chance to see Troy again. He’d be leaving the hospital today. If she were lucky, she’d catch him before he disappeared.

Happy to be rid of the IV stand, she shuffled toward his room. Most of the nursing staff had already stopped in to say hi and they waved as she made her way down the sterile hall. The bright smile she pasted on her face vanished as she entered the room. The bed was made so tight she could’ve bounced a quarter off of it. The bedside table had an unopened water pitcher and basin waiting for the next occupant.

A tiny seed of disappointment took root in her stomach. The room had clearly been vacated, but she moved to the closet anyway and opened the door. Empty. Her shoulders slumped. Her happiness sputtered out and died a quick death.

He’d been discharged. Hadn’t bothered to say goodbye. She’d missed her chance to get his number or give him her number.

Unless he didn’t want her number. Maybe he didn’t want anything to do with the woman who nearly cost him his life.

Her hurt turned to anger. Was she beneath a goodbye? Was his life so busy that he couldn’t take the time to stop by or write a note? Had he figured that saving her life had been plenty and she wasn’t worth the extra time?

Julie straightened her shoulders and moved out of the room, disgusted with herself for getting angry. What was the point? Five minutes ago she couldn’t wait to set eyes on him, and now she had to get used to the idea that she’d probably never see him again.

She’d thought he was different. Quiet, yes, but nice, brave and funny. Did she forget to mention gorgeous?

Maybe stardom had given her a big ego after all. Her mom had been warning her about that. Just because she had fame and fortune didn’t mean everything in life would go her way. Why was her mom always right?

If she really wanted to, she could probably call the Sporties and track him down, get a list of their security team. Wouldn’t that shock the hell out him? But why bother? The man had made it clear that he didn’t particularly like least not enough to say goodbye. What did that tell her?

You can’t always get what you want. Mick Jagger said it so right.

* * *

A day later, Julie got back from rehab with Kelly at her side. A giant bouquet of white, pink and red roses sat on her bedside table. The massive arrangement stopped her cold. Had Troy sent her roses because he hadn’t said goodbye?

“Holy smokes,” Kelly whispered. “That is one giant-ass flower arrangement.”

Her thoughts exactly. Troy probably wouldn’t have known about her request to send donations to cancer research instead of flowers. Julie stared at the massive bouquet. What the hell was she going to do with the whole thing?

Kelly lifted a blond eyebrow. “You don’t seem too excited. Most women would be thrilled to get flowers like that.”

“It’s not that I don’t appreciate the thought, but I think this is such a waste of money. People should donate to cancer research or their favorite charity.” She moved toward the flowers and plucked off the card. “These had to cost a fortune and they’ll be dead in a few days. Pointless,” she mumbled.

“Not if you’re a florist,” Kelly joked. She Copyright 2016 - 2024