Limitless - Jim Kwik Page 0,113

Juliet, 187


Gardner, Howard, 258, 275

Generalization, 60


blaze, 78

dynamo, 78

as grown, 105

is born LIE, 102–105

Kwik Start, 79

multiple forms of, 77–79

steel, 78–79

tempo, 78

you as, 77–79

Gig economy, 44


breaking down into small steps, 129

fitting with emotions, 116–117

flow and, 174

mindset alignment to, xvii

note-taking, 206

SMART, 116

Goodall, Jane, 260

Gordon, Barry, 95

Greenberg, Melanie, 187

Greenfield, Patricia Marks, 29

Green hat, 257

Green leafy vegetables, 131, 284

Greider, Carol, 98–99

Growth mindset, 90–91, 92, 118

Guilt, 150–151

Gupta, James, 200


Habit loop, 155, 156, 167


bad, 157, 159

creating, 156, 157, 161–162

Kwik Start, 161

morning routine, 163–167

negative, 156

new, in 10-Day Kwik Start program, 284

new, WIN acronym for, 162, 167

old, confronting, 154

one at a time, growing life and, 162–163

power of, 155

Habituation, 56–59

HEAR acronym, 204–205

HEART acronym, 116

Hero’s Journey, xxii, xxiii

Hierarchy of values, 120–121

Hobbes, Thomas, 97

Hope/fear motivator, 160

Human potential, xxiii

Hydration, 165. See also water


“I am” statements, 120, 126

Iceberg beliefs, 75–76

Identity, 119–120, 125

Iliff, Jeff, 142–143

Imagination and reading, 241

Incremental mindset, 272


delivering great deal of, 229–231

half-life of, 24

intention of teaching, 53

processing and filtering, 25

recalling great deal of, 218–220

Inner critic, 76, 77, 83, 84–85

Insomnia, 143, 144. See also sleep

Inspiration, 18, 87


bodily-kinesthetic, 258

as fluid, 93

growth mindset and, 92

interpersonal, 259

intrapersonal, 259

linguistic, 259

logical-mathematical, 259

musical, 258–259

naturalistic, 260

spatial, 258

types of, 93, 258–260

Intelligence is fixed LIE, 89–93

Internet, reliance on, 29, 30, 240


defined, 77

scores, 91, 92

tests, 92


Jain, Naveen, 269–271, 272–273

James, William, 93

Jobs, changing nature of, 43–44

JOMO (joy of missing out), 123


Kaku, Michio, 32

Kelly, Fred, 101–102

Kennedy, John F., 244–245

Kim, Jean, 142

Kinesthetic learners, 260

Klemm, William, 199, 215–216

Kline, Christopher E., 144


as potential to be power, 98

as power, 13, 97–98

in promoting neuroplasticity, 50

trying to fit in a box, 104

“The Knowledge,” 36

Kotler, Steven, 168, 171, 172

Kwik Brain app, 51

Kwik Brain podcast, 14

Kwik Challenge, 162, 163

Kwik Learning community, 22

Kwik Start exercises

ANTs (automatic negative thoughts), 138

asking questions, 62, 63

books to read, 241

brain foods, 130

calendar use, 54

clean environment, 139

concentration, 184

digital deduction, 31

digital deluge, 24

digital dementia, 28

digital distraction, 26

distraction time, 189

doing, 63

flow, 172

focus, 189

genius, 79

habits, 161

“I am,” 120

learning as social, 53

“To Learn” list, 140

LIEs of learning, 105

memory, 213

morning routine, 167

movement, 137

passions, 118

positive peer group, 139

problem solving, 258

purpose, 119

reading and remembering, 50

reading as active experience, 52

reading time, 253

recall, 222

relaxation, 221

review, 54

sleep, 146

as small simple steps, 149

small simple steps (S3), 153

spending extra time, 242

state-dependency of learning, 52–53

state of mind, F

stress management, 141

study, 195

supervillains, 31

writing down extraneous thoughts, 51


Languages. See also vocabulary

baroque music and, 235

remembering, 232–235

spaced repetition and, 235

word substitutions, 233–234

Lashley, Karl, 93

“Laundry cycle” metaphor, 142–143

Learning. See also accelerated learning

active approach to, 224–227

benefits of, xvi

better, reasons for, 122–123

capacity, as limitless, 13

consistency in, 100

criticism matters LIE, 100–102

as difficult LIE, 98–100

elementary, 220–223

as empty vessel, 50–51

expanding, 146–147

genius is born LIE, 102–105

how to learn, 12–14

intelligence is fixed LIE, 89–93

knowledge is power LIE, 97–98

as lifelong process, 20

limited brain use LIE, 93–95

listening and, 203–205

as making new connections, 37

mistakes are failures LIE, 95–97

music and, 202–203, 208–209

neuroplasticity and, 38

new, brain energy and, 140

primacy and, 48, 49, 198, 227

problem-solving through, 99

recency and, 48, 49, 198, 227

small steps in, 100

as social, 53

state-dependency, 52–53

supervillains of, 21–22

taking charge of, 44

Learning curve, 53

Learning disabilities, 99

“Learning disabled,” 13

Learning environment, 52

Learning styles

auditory, 260

determination quiz, 262–264

kinesthetic, 260

mix of, 265

other, incorporating, 275

visual, 260

Lee, Bruce, 102–104, 105

Lee, Stan, 67

Lefkoe, Shelly, 73

Levitin, Daniel J., 25–26

Lewis, Jordan Gaines, 202

LIEs of learning

criticism of other people matter, 100–102

genius is born, 102–105

intelligence is fixed, 89–93

knowledge is power, 97–98

Kwik Start, 105

learning new things is difficult, 98–100

limited brain use, 93–95

mistakes are failures, 95–97

LIEs of motivation, 110

Life purpose, 117

Limited ideas entertained (LIEs), 66, 89

Limiting beliefs. See also LIEs of learning

commonly held, 106

effects of, 73

emotions and, 83

facts and, 81–83, 84

fixed mindset, 91

inner critic and, 83, 84–85

limitless mindset versus, 80

minimizing, 80–85

most common, 87

naming, 80–81

reframing, 80–85

as self-talk, 72–73

source of, 81

as starting in childhood, 73, 81

as wrong, 81–83


becoming, 3–19

as a choice, 54–56

as progressing beyond, 16

you as, 277–278

Limitless Model, 17–18

Limitless (movie), 3, 93, 110

Limitless secrets, xvii–xviii. See also methods; mindset; motivation


belief in, xxii

as growth and learning obstruction, 30–31

as preconceived notions, 51

Lipszyc, Hadassah, 150


HEAR acronym, 204–205

importance of, 203

learning and, 203–205

note-taking and, 207

with whole brain, 203–205

Location, 226, 230, 231

Loci method, 229–231


Mackie, Evie, 273

Maguire, Eleanor, 36

Mai, Jeannie, 59

Marano, Hara Estroff, 176

Marder, Eve, 215

Mark, Gloria, 188

Markman, Art, 151

Means value, 121

Meditation, 145–146

Memorization, 215, 216, 219–220, 222, 228

Memory. See also accelerated learning

active focus in, 224–227

association and, 224–226

attention and, 217, 223

Baker/baker Paradox and, 217–218

brain strengthening and, 27

delivering a great deal of information and, 229–231

digital dementia and, 27

distractions and, 235

emotion and, 226, 228

exercise of, 28, 216

as foundation for every action, 214–215

as fundamental brain function, 214

great, keys for, 224–227

as greatest asset, 213

importance of, 213, 214–215

Kwik exercise, 227–229

Kwik Start, 213

of languages, 232–235

location and, 226–227

loci method and, 229–231

long-term, 41

methods, 217

MOM mnemonic, 216–217, 285

motivation and, 216–217

of names, 231–232

not-to-do list, 267

observation and, 217

reading and, 240

recall of a great deal of information and, 218–220

reference points, 217–218

short-term, 41

trained, 222, 229, 235

training videos, 235

visualization and, 224

vocabulary and, 232–235

working, 216

Memory lapses, 38

Mental models

for decision-making, 265–266

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