Limitless - Jim Kwik Page 0,112

134, 245, 284


Bad habits, 157, 159

Baker/baker Paradox, 217–218

Bannister, Roger, 71–72

Baroque music, 203, 235

Barriers, moving through, 71–72

“Beginner’s mind,” 50

Behavior change, 159


accepted, 16

core, xviii

iceberg, 75–76

intelligence is fixed, 90

limiting, xvii, xviii, xxii, 19, 72–85

mindset and, 66

new, creating, 84

as not constraining, xxii

Belief systems, 66

BE SUAVE mnemonic, 231–232

Beyerstein, Barry, 94–95

Binet, Alfred, 91–92

Black, David S., 145

Black hat, 256

Blaze genius, 78

Blueberries, 131, 133, 245, 284

Blue hat, 257

Bohórquez, Diego, 40

Bonchek, Mark, 271–272

“Boy with the broken brain,” 5–8, 9

Bradberry, Travis, 177


about, 34–35

blueprint for upgrading, xviii

broken, boy with, 5–8, 9

cerebral cortex, 35

connections, 40

as deletion device, 56

as energy hog, 94

environment influence on, 35–36

evolving understanding about, 34

exercising, 213

gene influence on, 35–36

health and fitness of, xvi

limited knowledge about, 34

limited use LIE, 93–95

limitless, 33–45

listening with, 203–205

memory and, 27

as muscle, 27, 212–213

neurological peak and, 35

neuroplasticity, 35, 36–38

outsourcing, 27–28

regions and functions, 94

reticular activating system (RAS), 56–59

space description as, 9

supervillains, xvi–xvii

upgrading through reading, 45

Brain Boost Salad, 133–134

Brain coaching, 14

Brain cycles, 160

Brain diet

foods in, 130, 131

recipes, 132–135

Brain energy

ANTs, killing and, 137–138

brain protection and, 140

clean environment and, 138–139

diet for, 130–135

exercise and, 136–137

limitless, generating, 129–146

in motivation, 111

new learning and, 140

nutrients, 136

positive peer group and, 139

sleep and, 141–146

stress management and, 141

in 10-Day Kwik Start program, 284

Brain foods, 130, 131, 146, 147

Brain function

air quality and, 138

changing, 36, 38

diet and, 130, 132, 136

exercise and, 137

limited use assumption, 93–95

memory as fundamental in, 214, 239

positive peer group and, 139

sleep and, 142

Brain nutrients, 136

Brain protection, 140

Brain stem, 35

Breathing, 52, 114, 138, 145–146, 166, 172, 188–189, 201

Broccoli, 131, 134–135, 245, 284

Brown, Les, 82

Bruce, Jan, 75–76

Bryan, Christopher, 120


Calendar use, 53–54

“Capture and create” method, 207

Carrey, Jim, 100–101

Central nervous system (CNS), 34, 39

Cerebral cortex, 35

Challenging yourself, flow and, 174–175

Chocolate, dark, 131, 135, 284

Cirillo, Francesco, 48

Clean environment, 138–139

Clear, James, 155

Cocoa-Cinnamon-ginger “Hot Chocolate,” 135

Coelho, Paulo, 182

Cohen, Gillian, 217

Commitment page, 56, 57

Commitments, 115, 123

Competence, four levels of, 195–196

Comprehension, reading, 245–246

Comstock, Beth, 96


ability research, 48

de-cluttering environment and, 186

defined, 185

in learning how to learn, 12

as a muscle, 185, 186

practicing, 184–186

in reading comprehension, 246

success and, 184

Connection, 25, 37

Conscious awareness, 31

Conscious competence, 195–196

Conscious incompetence, 195

Consolidation stage, flow, 172

“Conventional wisdom,” 106

Conviction, lack of, 176–177

Cortisol, 141, 176

Counting, reading and, 250–251

Coyle, Daniel, 105

Cramming, 197–198, 199. See also study

Creighton, Mandell (Bishop), 58

Criticism of others matters LIE, 100–102

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 169–170


Dandapani, 184, 185

Da Vinci, Leonardo, 7

De Bono, Edward, 256–257


cerebellum and, 35

digital deduction and, 28

mental model for, 265–266

De-cluttering environment, 186

Deduction, 28. See also digital deduction

Dementia, xvi, 5, 138. See also digital



cortisol and, 177

fear of failure and, 176

lack of sleep and, 114, 142

refined sugar and, 130

Diet, brain, 130–135

Digital deduction. See also supervillains

about, 28–31

defined, xvi, 30

Kwik Start, 31

technology and, 28–29

Digital deluge. See also supervillains

about, 22–24

defined, xvi

half-life of information and, 24

health risks, 23–24

Kwik Start, 24

Digital dementia. See also supervillains

about, 26–28

defined, xvi, 26

Kwik Start, 28

outsourcing brain and, 27–28

Digital depression, 30

Digital distraction. See also supervillains about, 24–26

defined, xv

information processing and, 25

Kwik Start, 26

multitasking and, 26


de-cluttering environment and, 186

eliminating, 173, 177

focus and, 186

learning how to learn and, 12

memory and, 235

time and, 187–188, 189

Dopamine, 25

Doughtie, Lynne, 108

DREAMS mnemonic, 164–165

Dreams, remembering, 164–165

Drucker, Peter, 20

Dryden, John, 148

Duhigg, Charles, 155

Dweck, Carol, 90–91, 163

Dwyer, Ryan, 25

Dyer, Wayne, 88

Dynamo genius, 78

Dyslexia, 99


Eagleman, David, 94

Easy Roasted Salmon & Broccoli with Swiss

Chard, 134–135

Edison, Thomas, 210


questions and, 58

system, 41–43

taking into own hands, 92

Edwards, Tyron, 223

Eggs, 131, 133, 134, 284

Einstein, Albert, 7, 11, 64, 95–96, 258, 259

Eliot, T. S., 276

Emmons, Nathaniel, 158

Emotional energy, 52


goals fitting with, 116–117

limiting beliefs and, 83

memory and, 226, 228

motivation and, 124

negative, 85

positive, 86

red thinking hat and, 256–257

End value, 121

Energy. See brain energy

Energy management, xvii

Enteric nervous system (ENS), 38–39, 40

Environment, clean, 138–139

Errors, studying your, 267–268


brain energy and, 136–137

sleep and, 143–144

Exponential mindset, 271–272

Exponential thinking. See also thinking

about, 271–272

defined, 270

extrapolate and, 274

posit a new approach and, 273

read about it and, 274

steps for, 272–274

underlying problem and, 272–273


Facilitator (prompt), 161

Facts, 81–83, 84


fear of, flow and, 176

to learn, 97

to make connection, 37

mistakes as LIE, 95–97

FASTER acronym, 281–282

Fields, Jonathan, 119

Finger, in reading, 247–248

Fixed mindset, 90–91, 92, 118


about, 169–170

challenge and, 174–175

characterization of, 170

clear goals and, 174

consolidation stage in, 172

defined, 169

eliminating distractions and, 173, 177

enemies of, 175–177

fear of failure and, 176

finding, 173–175

flow stage in, 172

as fundamental to limitless, 177

Kwik Start, 172

lack of conviction and, 176–177

motivation and, 111

multitasking, 175

productivity and, 170

relaxation stage in, 172

something you love and, 173–174

as “source code” of motivation, 172

stages of, 171–172

stress and, 175–176

struggle stage in, 171

time and, 173

winning with, 170–171

in the workplace, 170

Focus. See also accelerated learning

about, 183–184

anxiety and, 187

calming mind and, 186–189

concentration, 184

distractions and, 186

importance of, 183

in learning how to learn, 12

reading and, 240, 243

in reading comprehension, 246

unlimiting, 190

Foer, Joshua, 214, 218

Fogg Behavior Model

ability, 160

changing behaviors with, 167

defined, 159

motivators, 159–160

prompts, 160

Fogg, B. J., 151, 159–161

FOMO (fear of missing out), 123

Foods, brain, 130, 131, 146, 147

Ford, Debbie, 154

Ford, Henry, 254

Foreman, Richard, 29

Forgetting curve, 47, 48, 54

40/70 rule, 265–266

Fredrickson, Barbara, 85–87

Frost, Robert, 225

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