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40/70 rule, 265–266

not-to-do list, 266–267

for problem-solving, 267–268

for productivity, 266–267

second-order thinking, 269

for strategy, 269

study your errors, 267–268

as thinking constructs, 265

Meta-learning, 180

Methods. See also focus; memory; motivation; speed reading; study

defined, 18, 179

key, xviii

limit in, 19

in Limitless Model, 17–18

mastering, xxi

memory, 217

as process of learning how to learn, 180

right, using, xviii


broadening, 192

calming, 186–189

calming techniques, 188–189, 190

memorization and, 215

preparing, 62–63

wandering and daydreaming, 246


alignment to desires and goals, xvii

beliefs and, 66

characterization of, 66

defined, 18, 65

exponential, 271–272

fixed, 90–91, 92, 118

growth, 90–91, 92, 118

incremental, 272

intersection with motivation, 18

limit in, 17

limitless, 17–18, 67, 80, 277

in Limitless Model, 17–18

mastering, xxi

positive, building, 85

shifting, 12

silencing the inner critic and, 87


as failures LIE, 95–97

feelings about, 106

as signs of trying something new, 96

studying, 267–268

you as a person and, 97

MOM mnemonic, 216–217, 285

Monet, Claude, 258

Money, simplicity and, 160

Morning Brain Tonic, 132

Morning Magic Smoothie, 133

Morning routine. See also habits

“brain smoothie,” 166

“brain tea,” 166

breathing exercises, 166

brushing teeth with opposite hand, 165

celery juice, 165

cold shower, 165–166

DREAMS assessment, 164–165

establishing, 163–167

hydration, 165

importance of, 163, 167

keys to, 166

Kwik Start, 167

making bed, 165

three-minute workout, 165

Morpheus, 55

Morris, Eddie, 110

Mosconi, Lisa, 130

Motivation. See also energy; purpose

culture as nourished by, 108

defined, 18, 109

empowering sense of, 12

enjoyment and, 110

finding flow and, 111

flow as “source code” of, 172

in Fogg Behavior Model, 159–160

forcing, 126

formula, 110

hope/fear, 160

identity and, 119–120

intersection with mindset, 18

LIEs of, 110

limit in, 18

limitless, 277–278

in Limitless Model, 17–18

as limitless secret, xvii-xviii

mastering, xxi

memory and, 216–217

as not fixed, 110

passions and, 117–119

pleasure/pain, 159–160

reasons and, 122

as set of emotions, 124

as set of habits and routines, 126

social acceptance/rejection, 160

as something you do, 110

sustainable, 110

tapping into, 10

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 259

Mueller, Pam A., 207

Multitasking, 26, 175, 185, 187

Music and learning, 202–203, 208–209, 235


Names, remembering, 231–232

Negative habits, 156

Neurological peak, 35

Neurons, 23, 32, 35, 37, 40, 140


answers and, 63

defined, 35, 37

dependency, 37

knowledge promotion of, 50

learning and, 38

understanding, 36–38

Neurotransmitters, 35

Nonroutine, simplicity and, 160

Note-taking. See also study

ability, upgrading, 205–208

“capture and create” method, 207

goals, 206

impaired learning and, 206–207

ineffective, 205

intention, clarity of, 206

listening and, 207

own words in, 206

practicing, 209

purpose of, 205–206

reviewing notes after, 207–208

TIP mnemonic, 208

tips, 208

writing and, 206–207

Not-to-do list, 266–267

Nutrients, brain, 136


Obama, Michelle, 128

Observation, 217, 255, 285

Opinions, 81

Oppenheimer, Daniel M., 207

Organization, this book, 19


Pain, 124


finding, 117–118, 126

Kwik Start, 118

learning and, 125

purpose and, 117–118

reasons and, 122

simultaneous cultivation of, 118

underlying meaning in, 119

Peer group, positive, 139

Peripheral vision, vision and, 249–250

Perlman, Adam, 75–76

Phospholipid DHA, 136

Physical effort, simplicity and, 160

Plante, Thomas G., 157–159

Plato, 260

Pleasure/pain motivator, 159–160

Pomodoro technique, 48, 49

Positive mindset, 85

Positive peer group, 139

Positive thinking, 79–80

Posture, 52, 201, 282

Powell, Colin, 265

Power, knowledge is LIE, 97–98

Presentations, delivering without notes, 229–231

Primacy, 48, 49, 198, 227

Priming, 120


in adding value, 45

Kwik Start, 258

study your errors and, 267–268

technology and, 28–29

thinking hats for, 256–257

Procrastination, 151, 197, 199


environment, changing, 190

flow state and, 170, 177

mental model for, 266–267

Pomodoro technique for, 48

Promise, 56

Prompts, 161, 162

Protection, brain, 140

Pugh, Ken, 239


becoming clear on, 115

as driver to act, 111

in guiding decisions, 117

Kwik Start, 119

life, 117

passion and, 117–118

reasons and, 121–123

in 10-Day Kwik Start program, 283

values and, 120–121



as the answer, 56–60, 61, 63

asking, 60, 62–63

dominant, 60–63

education and, 58

in guiding RAS, 59

for priming focus, 63

questioning, 283

right, asking, 10–12

this book, 63

wrong, asking, 11


Reading. See also speed reading

about, 237–239

appreciation, 246–247

average speed, 242

barriers and obstacles, 243–245

books, 10

as boring task, 238, 243

challenges to, 242–245

comprehension, 245–246

efficiency, 243

in exponential thinking, 274

focus and, 240, 243

as foundation for learning, 239

fun of, 75

imagination and, 241

Kwik Start, 253

for limitless brain, 239–241

in memory improvement, 240

methods for increasing speed of, 248–251

outdated skills, 244

power of, embracing, 285

regression and, 243, 248

self-assessment, 241–242

slow, reasons for, 243

speed, limited, 250

subvocalization and, 244–245, 250

tips, 252

understanding and, 241

in upgrading your brain, 45

visual pacer, 253

in vocabulary improvement, 240

wander, 243

words as symbols and, 245

writing down extraneous thoughts while, 51

with your finger, 247–248

Reading circles, 4

Reality, facing, 8

Reasoning, 215


commitments and, 123

finding, 121–123

learning and, 122–123, 125

for learning skills and techniques, this book, 124–125

motivation and, 122

passion and, 122

results and, 112

values and, 122

Recall, 221, 222

Recency, 48, 49, 198, 227

Recipes, brain

Brain Boost Salad, 133–134

Cocoa-Cinnamon-ginger “Hot Chocolate,” 135

Easy Roasted Salmon & Broccoli with Swiss Chard, 134–135

Morning Brain Tonic, 132

Morning Magic Smoothie, 133

Red hat, 256–257

Regression, 243, 248

Regret, 102

Reid, Kathryn J., 143–144

Relaxation stage, flow, 172

Resistance, persistence and, 51

Reticular activating system (RAS), 56–59

Review, 54

Richtel, Matt, 23

Ries, Eric, 42

Robbins, Tony, 163

Robinson, Ken, 41

Roche, Bryan, 92

Rowling, J. K., 2


Salmon, 131, 134–135, 284

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 54

Schellenberg, E. Glenn, 262–263

“Science of momentum,” 163

Second-order thinking, 269

Self-talk, 38, 51, 72–73, 81, 83, 138

Shame, 151

Sharma, Mona, 132

Shatté, Andrew, 75–76

Shenk, David, 92

Signal (prompt), 161

Simon, Theodore, 91

Simplicity, categories of, 160

Sinek, Simon, 31, 115


brain energy and, 141–146

“catch-up” mentality, 143

DREAMS assessment, 164–165

exercise and, 143–144

good, accomplishing, 143–144

improving, 147

insomnia and, 143, 144

Kwik Start, 146

lack of, 113, 114, 142

meditation and, 145–146

as not a choice, 142–143

quality, 142

turning off mind and, 145–146

Small simple steps (S3)

autopilot and, 153–157

baby steps and, 151–153

behavior change and, 152–153

be kind to yourself and, 150–151

defined, 149

Kwik Start, 149, 153

overwhelm and, 150

Zeigarnik effect and, 150, 151, 153

SMART goals, 116

Smell, sense of, 201–202

Smith, Will, 62

Social acceptance/rejection motivator, 160

Social deviance, simplicity and, 160

Social media, xv, 25–26, 30, 56, 59, 98, 186, 251

Spaced repetition, 199–200, 235

Spark (prompt), 161

Speed reading. See also accelerated learning; reading

comprehension misconception, 245–246

counting and, 250–251

effort misconception, 246

as exercising, 248–251

finger use in, 247–248

John F. Kennedy and, 244–245

masterclass, 253

misconceptions, 245–247

peripheral vision and, 249–250

progress as aim in, 251

reading appreciation misconception, 246–247

speed, increasing, 248–251

success stories, 251–253

tips, 252

Spitzer, Manfred, 26

Start with Why (Sinek), 115

State of mind

Kwik Start, 201

learning and, 52–53

managing, 201

posture and, 201

Steel genius, 78–79


cluttered environment and, 186

doing something that causes, 188–189

flow and, 175–176

ill-health and, 23

oxidative, brain, 130, 131

prolonged, 141

Stress management, 79, 141

Struggle stage, flow, 171

Study. See also accelerated learning

active recall and, 199, 208

better, 196–197

competence and, 195–196

cramming and, 197–198

habits, 199–208

importance of, 193–195

Kwik Start, 195

listening with whole brain and, 203–205

music and, 202–203, 208–209

note-taking and, 205–208

note-taking tips, 208

optimizing, in 10-Day Kwik Start program, 284

procrastination and, 197, 199

sense of smell and, 201–202

spaced repetition and, 199–200

state of mind and, 201

success and, 196–197

time, 199

Subvocalization, 244–245, 250

Superheroes, xix, 3, 5, 14–15, 21, 69–70, 175, 278–279

Superpowers, xxi, 5, 15, 21, 70, 167, 239, 278


about, xvi–xvii

cumulative effects of, xvi

defined, xv–xvi

digital deduction, xvii, 28–31

digital deluge, xvi, 22–24

digital dementia, xvii, 26–28

digital distraction, xvii, 24–26

keeping at bay, 31

Kwik Start, 31

learning and, 21–22

limits of, xv

Synaptic pruning, 95


Taylor, Jim, 29

Teaching, learning with intention and, 53

Technology, 22, 27, 28–29, 31, 33

Tempo genius, 78

10-Day Kwik Start program

about, 279, 281

brain energy, 284

FASTER acronym, 281–282

kill your ANTs, 282

MOM mnemonic, 285

new healthy habit, 284

power of reading, 285

purpose, 283

question your questions, 283

study optimization, 284

what you want most, 283

Thinking. See also accelerated learning

exponential, 269–274

incorporating other learning styles into, 275

intelligence types and, 258–260

learning styles and, 260–265

mental models and, 265–269

as process of reasoning, 60

second-order, 269

supercharging, 30

with thinking hats, 256–257

Thinking hats, 256–257, 275


distractions and, 187–188, 189

flow and, 173

as important asset, 47

simplicity and, 160

study, 199

with uncluttered mind, 187

TIP mnemonic, 208

Toffler, Alvin, 178

Trained memory, 222, 229

Trained readers, 246–247. See also reading; speed reading

Transcending, this book as, xxii

Turmeric, 131, 132, 136, 284

Twain, Mark, 68, 236


Unconscious competence, 196

Unconscious incompetence, 195

Underlying problem, getting to, 272–273

Unlimiting together, 16–17



core, 117

creating list of, 127

hierarchy of, 120–121

in iceberg model, 76

learning and, 125, 126

prioritization of, 121

reasons and, 122

unawareness of, 121

Vilhauer, Jennice, 76

Visualization, 224, 229–231, 232, 283

Visual learners, 260


as cornerstone of learning, 232

masculine or feminine, 235

reading and, 240

remembering, 232–235

spaced repetition and, 235

word substitutions, 232–233


Walnuts, 131, 133–134, 284

“Wander reading,” 243

Water, 131, 132, 142, 157, 165, 270, 272–273, 284

Weil, Andrew, 188

What-if-statements, 273

White hat, 256

Whitespace, 187

“Why” question, 127, 268

William, Anthony, 165

Williams, Venus, 260

Wilson, Woodrow, 46

Wimber, Maria, 27

Win acronym (habits), 162, 167

Winfrey, Oprah, 78, 79, 237, 259

Words as symbols, 245

Word substitutions, 232–233

Work, changing nature of, 43–44

Working memory, 216

“Worthy rivals,” 31

Wright brothers, 101–102


X-Men cast, 15


Yanek, Lisa, 79

Yellow hat, 256

Yip Man, 103, 105

Yourself, knowing, 60–63


Zarom, Rony, 28

Zeigarnik, Bluma, 149–150

Zeigarnik effect, 150, 151, 153

Ziva Meditation, 166 Copyright 2016 - 2024