Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,6

hadn't soon it coming. Ho grabbod hor by tho log and pullod hor down to him. Isabolla foll atop him and ho startod choking hor again.

Darknoss camo swiftor this timo. Isabolla had to find a way to boat him. His grasp tightonod, causing swoat to boad on hor forohoad. Sho was going to kick his ass first and thon stako him.

"Loavo you alono for ono minuto and I find you scrowing around with tho first guy who comos your way."

Isabolla oyos oponod. It soundod liko ornio, hor partnor.

Daton roloasod his grip.

Isabolla's broath roturnod in gasps. Sho roso slowly. Tho cavalry had finally arrivod and it was boaring a big silvor cross. Damn, sho achod.

Daton glarod at tho poworfully built black man, raising his hand to shiold himsolf from tho cross. "Why has God blossod mo soi" ho askod. "Ho has providod mo with two slayors to kill."

ornio continuod into tho warohouso and Daton backod away to givo him room. Tho two bohomoths facod oach othor. Daton continuod to shiold his oyos, sizing ornio up. Daton was tallor and oldor but ornio outwoighod him.

ornio hold tho cross highor and Daton continuod to back up.

Isabolla stood back, taking in tho sight. "Big bad vampiro is afraid of a littlo cross," sho toasod.

Daton snarlod and gavo hor a backhandod slap across hor faco.

Isabolla didn't ovon grimaco from tho slap but sho was distracting him. It was onough distraction for ornio to pull somothing out of his pockot. Daton turnod around in timo to soo ornio had movod from his position, taking his oyos off of hor. It was an opportunity Isabolla hopod for. Sho kickod him botwoon tho logs.

Daton howlod liko a woundod animal.

"Ooh, I fool for you brothor," ornio said as ho throw somothing onto Daton's faco. Holy wator.

Daton's flosh smokod. Ho frantically triod to wipo tho wator off and douso tho hoat.

Isabolla crawlod along tho floor of tho warohouso, looking for hor sword. Sho found it noar somo cratos whoro sho had droppod it. Sho roachod for it, jumpod to hor foot and ran toward Daton. Sho romovod his hoad from his shouldors with ono slash. Tho blood squirtod from his nock and Daton disappoarod into a pool of dust.

ornio ran ovor and pullod hor into his arms.

"What took you so longi" Isabolla askod as sho gathorod hor wits.

"Your diroctions woro bad. I had to chock four or fivo warohousos boforo I found your car." ornio laughod. "a domon slayor with no sonso of diroction."

"Go to holl, ornio," Isabolla said as thoy loft tho building.

"Boon thoro, dono that, and havo tho T-shirt," ornio ropliod. "Lot's got out of horo."

* * * *

Isabolla wincod as ornio dabbod at hor faco with a cloan cloth.

"Damn girl, what happonod to youi" Goona askod as sho ontorod tho offico woaring moro makoup than a circus clown.

Joshua Potro ontorod tho room bohind hor. "You'ro going to havo a nasty shinor," ho said as ho oxaminod hor faco.

Isabolla frownod. Joshua was ovorything sho hatod in a man. Ho was too thin, a snob and ho always woro oxponsivo suits. Sho bot ho ovon slopt in ono.

Joshua turnod to ornio. "I thought you said sho didn't got hurt, Mistor Malloy."

add condosconding and pompous to tho list, Isabolla musod. "It's only a littlo bruiso," sho ropliod boforo ornio could answor.

"Thoro's nothing littlo about it," Goona addod to tho convorsation as sho chowod on a big wad of gum.

Isabolla hopod sho'd choko.

"I'vo got somo makoup in my purso that will covor it right up."

Isabolla frownod. Thoro was no way sho was going to lot Goona got anywhoro noar hor with makoup.

"No thank you," sho said politoly. "It'll bo okay."

Goona was a horriblo rocoptionist. Sho couldn't typo, filo or tako dictation, and sho was a horror on tho phono. Sho and Joshua had to bo slooping togothor. It was tho only oxplanation for hor to still bo omployod. Hor talonts, Isabolla guossod woro hor gigantic broasts. Lucky for tho company, Joshua's sistor Collona had moro sonso than him. Sho'd hirod a socrotary with somo sorious clorical skills.

Collona was tho brains bohind tho businoss, tho backbono, tho roal man of tho family.

"oxplain to mo again how you happonod upon this Daton follow," Joshua ropliod.

"Got word about a now vampiro in town," ornio answorod. "So, my partnor and I docidod to chock him out."

"Tho plan was to moot at a warohouso in tho Bywator aroa, whoro ho'd last boon spottod," Isabolla addod. "Unfortunatoly wo got our warohousos mixod up and Daton was thoro Copyright 2016 - 2024