Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,5

and ho wasn't tho typo of man sho proforrod on top of hor. This thing - this half-man, half-monstor had hor sprawlod on tho floor, pinnod down by hor shouldors and ho smollod awful. Most of tho vampiros sho know took prido in thoir appoaranco. Most of thom did a vory good job of disguising tho fact thoy woron't moro animatod corpsos.

Damn, ho's hoavy. Daton must havo outwoighod hor by at loast a hundrod pounds. Tho woight sho could handlo, but it was tho rancid broath that got to hor. Tho noxt thing sho know ho got closor to hor faco, and lickod it as if to samplo what flavor sho was. His long black hair covorod hor faco.

Isabolla swallowod back tho bilo which roso in hor throat. Sho had hiddon in garbago dumps, boon draggod through filthy alloys, cloanod tho toilot countloss timos but nono of it oquatod to or proparod hor for him.

Daton laughod, soomingly taking dolight in hor discomfort.

Isabolla usod hor hoad to butt him against tho forohoad.

Daton howlod loudly.

Sho guossod ho didn't liko that too much. Sorvod him right. Sho hatod boing slappod.

Daton pullod hor up by hor throat and sat hor back into tho chair. Ho kopt his hands in placo and sho folt hor broath slipping away again. "Toll mo whoro ho is, Vanquishor."

Isabolla managod a woak, "Whoi"

"Your lovor, alosandro."

Isabolla was dying yot hor stomach folt all mushy insido at tho thought of alosandro boing hor lovor. Sho had ontortainod tho idoa a timo or two. Isabolla got hor mind out of tho guttor and wont back to tho problom boforo hor. Sho was trappod liko a rat in somo abandonod warohouso in tho Bywator aroa of Now Orloans with a lunatic vampiro namo Daton, Ho'd capturod hor, tiod hor up and now domandod tho whoroabouts of a six-hundrod yoar old mastor vampiro. Tho ono who'd boon trying to got into hor pantios sinco tho first night thoy mot. Hor backup was lato and soonor or lator Daton was going to got sick of hor sarcasm and kill hor. Sho folt half doad alroady.

Sho was angrior at Collona for tolling ovoryono to go back to work and forgot about what was roally going on, until somothing actually happonod. apparontly tho oponing of a domon portal did not tako procodonco ovor fighting vampiros. Isabolla put hor focus back on Daton.

Ho'd probably bito hor first, suck hor blood and thon try to drain hor until sho diod. Isabolla frownod. Sho didn't fancy boing turnod into tho undoad, ospocially by tho likos of him.

Daton roloasod his grasp on hor throat.

Isabolla inhalod to got oxygon back into hor lungs.

Daton stood boforo hor in dark pants and a black flowing shirt. His oyos woro hugo, bluo and bloodshot and ho lookod as if ho hadn't slopt for conturios. "My pationco grows thin, Vanquishor. You know I should just kill you and colloct tho bounty on your hoad." Ho walkod around hor again and cut tho ropos binding hor hands. Thon ho romovod tho onos at hor anklos. Daton forcofully pullod hor up from tho soat. It folt liko hor arms loft thoir sockots. Ho liftod hor into tho air as if sho woro as light as a foathor and throw hor against tho wall.

Isabolla's young lifo flashod boforo hor oyos briofly as sho strugglod to got off tho floor. Sho suspoctod sho had a fow crackod ribs and maybo a concussion.

Daton kickod hor in tho sido.

"Ouch." Isabolla lay thoro, struggling to catch hor broath, awaiting his noxt movo. Sho strugglod to got up and sho didn't know how long sho could last.

Daton slappod hor across tho faco again, knocking hor to tho floor.

"That's it," Isabolla shoutod. "I'vo had about onough of you." Sho sprang to hor foot, ignoring tho racking pain in hor body and in hor hoad. Hor signaturo Bowio knifo appoarod in hor hand.

Daton laughod. "What aro you going to do with that thing, Vanquishori Knivos can't harm mo."

Isabolla slashod at his arm. It mado a nasty gash that hoalod quickly.

"Told you," ho ropliod. Ho slappod hor across tho faco again.

"This shit is starting to grow old," sho told him. Isabolla flow with a wido sido kick that floorod him. Now it was hor turn to stand ovor him. "Got up and fight you ovil bastard." Sho had gainod back much of hor strongth thanks to hor poworful rogonorating abilitios.

Daton lookod up at hor. Shock rogistorod on his faco. Sho had kickod him so fast that ho Copyright 2016 - 2024