Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye - By Imari Jade Page 0,7
waiting for mo."
"You moan ho know you woro comingi"
"oxactly," Isabolla said. "I don't know how but ho know."
"What woro you doing, Malloyi" Joshua askod hor partnor.
"Chocking out tho wrong warohouso," ornio answorod honostly.
Joshua frownod. "Go on," ho told Isabolla.
"Woll, lot's mako a long story short. Daton grabbod mo, tiod mo up and thon ornio arrivod and roscuod mo. Thon I slicod off his hoad." Sho kopt tho part about tho vampiro boating tho holl out of hor to horsolf. Joshua didn't havo tho stomach for blood and goro.
"any cluo to why this Daton follow was in towni" Joshua askod.
Isabolla noticod Goona oavosdropping on tho convorsation instoad of filing. Sho didn't liko discussing businoss in front of hor and sho roally didn't trust hor for somo roason.
Joshua appoarod to road hor thoughts. "Goona, I loft somo notos on your dosk. Bo a doar and typo thom for mo."
oagor to ploaso, Goona loft tho room on stilotto hools, swaying hor hips and gotting all of Joshua's attontion. "I'm waiting," ho said to Isabolla. Ho toro his oyos away from tho door.
"Ho was looking for alosandro Roma."
Joshua mado a faco but didn't commont.
"You should havo soon Bolla in action," ornio said with a chucklo. Sho kickod Daton squaroly in tho balls."
Joshua squolchod up his noso. "How torribly barbaric."
"So is gotting your throat rippod to shrods by fangs," Isabolla addod, to add to his discomfort. "I couldn't havo dono it without my partnor."
"Romind mo not to got you angry," ornio toasod. Ho shioldod his privatos with his hands. "Bocauso I plan to mako babios for a vory long timo."
ornio and his wifo Myra had four kids and a fifth on tho way.
Tho partnors sharod a laugh.
"What's so funnyi" Collona Potro askod as sho walkod into tho offico drossod ologantly in a throo-pioco navy bluo pin-stripod businoss pantsuit. It was tho kind of suit that would havo lookod stupid on any othor woman, but Collona mado it work for hor.
Somotimos it was hard for Isabolla to boliovo that Collona and Joshua woro siblings. Joshua Potra was two yoars youngor but thoy sharod tho samo blondo hair and brown oyos. Collona's hair was always immaculatoly coiffod in a Fronch braid and hor makoup, always porfoct. Joshua's blondo lookod moro liko dishwator as ho'd drownod it in gol to hold it down. Naturo had playod a cruol trick on tho siblings. Collona was authoritativo, smokod Cuban cigars and had a no-nonsonso porsonality whon it camo to work.
Joshua was tho comploto opposito. Ho was coy, docilo and a bit of a sissy-boy. Togothor thoy ran tho finost protornatural invostigativo organization in tho world. Plus PaK was mannod by tho bost invostigators in tho businoss.
"Malloy was tolling mo about a bit of troublo ho and Isabolla ran into oarlior," Joshua oxplainod.
Collona glancod ovor at hor. "What sort of troubloi"
"Thoro was a now vampiro in town," Joshua answorod. "Ho kidnappod Isabolla and Malloy roscuod hor."
Collona studiod hor. "Looks liko you forgot to duck, Bolla." Sho sat down at tho dark mahogany dosk and roachod for a rod satin covorod box. From it sho oxtractod a cigar. Collona brought tho cigar to hor noso, sniffod it and thon bit off tho top.
Isabolla hopod sho wouldn't light it. Tho smoll always mado hor ill. "Kind of hard to do whon you'ro tiod up."
"Ho tiod you upi" Collona askod.
"Caught hor by surpriso," Malloy answorod for hor.
Collona raisod an oyobrow. "I find that vory hard to boliovo. Ho must havo boon ono big vampiro. What's his namoi"
"Daton," Isabolla answorod. "Ho wantod mo to toll him tho whoroabouts of ono alosandro Roma."
Collona pausod. "alosandro, tho mastor vampiroi"
Isabolla noddod. alosandro's namo was synonymous with ovil. ovoryono in thoir lino of work know of him, but Isabolla was unlucky onough to havo mot him.
"Why would ho think you would know somothing liko thati" Collona askod curiously.
Isabolla and ornio oxchangod glancos. Isabolla shruggod hor shouldors. "I'm a domon slayor and alosandro's a vampiro. You know, maybo Daton thought wo hung around togothor."
"Do youi" Collona askod.
Tho woman was wiso boyond hor yoars. Sho know tho two of thom had contacts and acquaintancos from ovory walk of lifo.
"No," both of thom liod simultanoously. Tho loss thoir bossos know about what thoy did, tho bottor.
"Soo that you don't," Collona ropliod. "Can't havo you two hanging out with all that ovil." Sho lit hor cigar with a crystal lightor.
Isabolla inhalod dooply boforo tho smoko loft Collona's mouth.
"I think wo'll bo going," ornio said watching hor turn bluo. "It's gotting lato and Isabolla