Vampire Moon(39)


"It means you're no longer permitted to see the kids, Sam. How can I trust you anymore after that stunt you pulled today?"


This coming from the man who had been cheating on me for months.


"Stunt? Seeing my kids is a stunt?"


"We had an agreement and you broke it, and now I have an obligation to protect my children."


"And they need protection from me?"


There was no hesitation. "Yes, of course. You're a monster."


I heard little Anthony say something in the background. He asked if he could talk to me on the phone. The female in the room shushed him nastily. Anthony whimpered and I nearly crushed my cell phone in my hand.


"Don't take away my Saturdays, Danny."


"I didn't take them away, Sam. You did."


I forced myself to keep calm. "When can I see them again, Danny?"


"I don't know. I'll think about it."


"I'm seeing them this Saturday."


"If you come here, Sam, then everything goes public. All the evidence. All the proof. The pathetic life that you now have will be over. And then you will never, ever see your kids. So don't fuck with me, Sam."


"I could always kill you, Danny."


"Awe, the true monster comes out. You kill me and you still lose the kids. Besides, I'm not afraid of you."