Vampire Moon

Vampire Moon by J R Rain, now you can read online.

Chapter One


I was alone in my hotel room.


The thick curtains were tightly drawn, and I was watching Judge Judy publicly humiliate this loser slumlord when my cell phone vibrated. I absently rooted through a small mound of Kleenex's on the nightstand until I found my cell. I glanced at the faceplate: unknown number. I briefly debated ignoring the call. After all, Judge Judy nearly had this jerk in tears - and I just love it when she reduces jerks to tears - but I figured this might be a job, and I needed the work. After all, this hotel room didn't pay for itself.


I muted Judge Judy's magnificent rant and flipped open the cell. "Moon Agency."


"Is this the Moon Agency?" asked a male voice.


"Would be a hell of a coincidence otherwise."


There was a long pause. On the other end of the line, I could hear the caller breathing deeply, probably through his open mouth. His voice had sounded nasally. If I had to guess, I would guess he had been crying.


"Are you, you know, a detective or something?"


"Or something," I said. "How can I help you?"


He paused again. I sensed I was about to lose him, and I knew why. He had been expecting a man. Sadly, I was used to this sort of bias in this business. In reality, most women make better detectives. I waited.


"You any good?"


"Good enough to know you have been crying," I said. I looked at the balled up tissues next to my night stand. "And if I had to guess, I would say there's about a half dozen used Keenixes next to you."


I heard a sound on his end. It was sort of a snort. "You're good."


"It's why I get paid the big bucks. I have a list of references, if you want them."


"Maybe," he said. More wet breathing. I heard a rustling sound, wiping his nose, no doubt. "Look, I just need help. I don't know who else to turn to."