Vampire Moon(38)

Finally, I said, "I don't understand what's happening here."


Do you have to understand everything, Samantha? Perhaps some things are best taken on faith. Perhaps it's a good thing to have a little mystery in the world. After all, you're a little mysterious yourself, aren't you?


I nodded but said nothing. I was suddenly having a hard time formulating words - or even thinking for that matter. I was also feeling strangely emotional. Something powerful and wonderful was going on here and I was having a hard time grasping it.


Then let's take a break, Samantha. It's okay. We made our introductions, and that's a good start.


"But you didn't tell me your name," I blurted out.


A slight pause, a tingle, and the following words appeared:


Sephora. And I'm always here. Waiting.

Chapter Twelve


At 7:00 p.m., and still a little freaked about the automatic writing, I called my kids.


Danny picked up immediately.


"I heard about the stunt you pulled today, Sam," he said.


In the background, I heard a female voice say quietly, "What a bitch." The female probably didn't know that I could hear her. The female was now on my shit list. And if it was the female I was thinking it was - his home-wrecking secretary - then she was already on my shit list. So this put her name twice on my shit list. I don't know much about much, but being on a vampire's shit list twice probably wasn't a good idea.


Danny didn't bother to shush the woman or even acknowledge she had spoken. Instead, he said, "That was a very stupid thing to do, Sam."


"I just want to see my kids, Danny."


"You do get to see them, every Saturday night," he said, breathing hard. Danny had a temper. A bad temper. He never hit me, which was wise of him, because even back when I wasn't a vampire I could still kick his ass. You don't smack around a highly trained federal agent with a gun in her shoulder holster. And then he added, "But not anymore."


"What do you mean not anymore?" I asked.