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was mortified.

“Don’t be. I’m actually relieved that you do it. Show me how you touch yourself,” he said.

“I couldn’t,” she protested, jerking her hand from his grasp.

He caught her wrist and coaxed her hand between her legs again. “Make yourself come on my dick.”


“I know you feel it nestled there between your legs. Come on it. Make it all slippery.”


“And after you come on my dick, I want you to come on my face.”

“How would I do that?”

“By sitting on it.”

“I’ll suffocate you!”

His chuckle was deep and sexy. It made her entire spine tingle. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”

She’d been so distracted by his words that she’d temporarily forgotten he was holding her hand between her legs.

“So how do you touch it, Toni? Slow and hard?” He massaged her clit with her own fingers, rubbing in hard, languid circles. Her pussy tightened, but she shook her head. “A little faster?” He directed her fingers to move against her clit more rapidly.

“Oh!” She gasped as need began to build within her. “Faster,” she heard herself say.

“Show me.” He released her hand, and she took over, rubbing her clit with every intention of getting off. That freed Logan’s hands to massage the aching globes of her breasts.

“Sometimes I pinch one nipple really hard when I’m coming,” she admitted, having no idea why she felt inclined to reveal that very intimate detail about her masturbation sessions. Hell, five minutes ago she wouldn’t even admit to touching herself and now she was volunteering the details.

“Show me how you get off, Toni.”

“Yes,” she whispered as her peak approached. She rubbed her clit faster and gripped one stiff nipple between her thumb and forefinger. “Yes,” she cried more loudly, twisting her nipple viciously as her pussy clenched with the first tease of orgasm. “Yes!”

Logan thrust behind her, driving his cock into the cleft between her thighs as she bucked with release.

“To hell with this,” he muttered.

Toni sucked in a breath of surprise when she found herself bent over the sofa arm. Logan grabbed the lobes of her ass in either hand, spread her cheeks apart, and rammed his cock into her still clenching pussy.

“God, yes,” he groaned, thrusting deep and withdrawing before thrusting deep again. “I shouldn’t have done that, but it’s so hot and tight. I want it just like this.” He massaged her ass cheeks together as he pumped into her.

Toni was still trembling in the aftermath of her orgasm when she realized something.

“Logan, are you wearing a condom?”

He cursed under his breath and pulled out. “Whoops.”

Whoops? “Logan! This is the second time today.”

“I’m sorry. I was lost in the moment. The sight of you. The sounds you make. The way you feel. Won’t happen again.”

He stepped away and headed for the door, which he slid open and stuck his head through. “Can someone shoot me a condom?” he called to the bus occupants.

Toni’s eyes widened. Could he be any more embarrassing?

“Get your own damned condom,” she heard Steve say.

Logan huffed with impatience and opened the door wide enough to slip out into the corridor. Not only was he naked, but his dick was rock hard and still wet with Toni’s fluids.

“What the fuck, dude?” said a voice Toni wasn’t familiar with. “I’ll get you a goddamned condom. Put that thing away!”

“You know you want it, Zach. But you can’t have it. It’s all for Toni.”

Zach? Zach Mercer, the drummer of Twisted Element? Toni hoped the entire band wasn’t on the bus. She’d never be able to look any of them in the eye when she interviewed them for her “How Other Band’s See Exodus End” chapter.

“Who’s Tony?” Zach sounded surprised. “You like guys?”

“Toni’s a girl,” Steve said.

“My girl,” Logan said.

Yep, it was official. Logan could be more embarrassing. Toni buried her face in the sofa cushions and groaned.

“Are you coming to the after-party?” Zach asked.

After-party? Their day wasn’t over yet? Toni was ready to crawl into bed for fourteen hours of sleep.

“Have you ever known me to miss a party?” Logan said.

The door slid on its track and bumped shut. Toni turned her head to make sure Logan hadn’t brought along spectators to prove she was, in fact, a girl. Thankfully he was alone and devastatingly naked. He had a strip of condoms in one hand and his dick in the other. And she’d been right. Seeing him touch himself had her all sorts of flustered.

“Damn, woman,” he muttered, his gaze trained on her ass, still up in the air since Copyright 2016 - 2024