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female friends my own age.” Even Julian was several years older than her and even though he was gay, he was still technically a guy. It was embarrassing for her to admit how abnormal her social life was, but she honestly didn’t have the opportunity to interact with many people. And she’d certainly never had a close enough relationship with another woman to discuss the ins and outs of masturbation and orgasms. Did women really talk about such things?

“What about the Internet? Surely, you’ve watched some porn.”

Toni scowled at him. “Of course I’ve watched porn. What do you think I am, a nun living in a cave?”

Logan’s jaw dropped, and then he laughed before hugging her closer. “Lord, woman, I do love you.” She felt his heart thud hard against her chest. “I mean as a friend.”

“Stop doing that!” she demanded.

He released her so abruptly that she had to take a step backward to regain her balance.

“Did I hurt you?”

She covered her aching heart with one hand. “Yes, it does hurt. I’d rather you never say it than have you keep saying it and then take it back.”

He covered his mouth with one hand, a worried crease above his brow.

“I understand that you probably say I love you to every woman that you, that you bang, but—”

“But I don’t. I haven’t said it to anyone for a very long time. I don’t know why it keeps slipping out.”

At first Toni was stunned that he hadn’t said it to every woman he’d ever had sex with. And then she was strangely jealous of every woman he had said it to in the past. Because he’d probably meant it then. And he obviously didn’t mean it now.

“You’ve been in love before?” she asked, a hint of accusation in her voice.

“Well, yeah, what do you think I am, a nun living in a cave?”

She laughed and shook her head at him. He was about as different from a nun in a cave as Toni was from him. “What was her name?”

He grinned crookedly. “It’s not important. Besides, I can’t remember it with your bare tits jiggling so enticingly before my eyes.”

He stepped closer and cupped her breasts in his hands once again.

“My tits do not jiggle,” she said defensively.

He shook his hands back and forth, proving that her tits did in fact jiggle.

“Logan. Stop.”

He stopped and caught her gaze with his. “Why?”


He lifted an eyebrow at her.

“Because it’s not sexy.”

“It’s sexy to me,” he said. And to prove it, he lowered his head to draw the flat of his tongue over her nipple. “Besides, sex isn’t always sexy. Sometimes it’s messy. Sometimes it’s fun. Sometimes it’s boring.”

“Boring?” She couldn’t imagine sex ever being boring. Truthfully, it was the most exciting thing she’d ever done.

“If you allow it to become too monotonous.”

“I won’t.”

“I’m going to hold you to that,” he said. Then he and sucked her nipple into his mouth. She clung to his head, delighting in the gentle tug at her breast.

She gasped when he released her abruptly and spun her to face the opposite direction. He took her hands in his—his palms against the backs of her hands—and coaxed her into touching her breasts.

“If these were mine, I’d never get anything done,” he whispered into her ear. “I’d play with them constantly.”

“They are yours.”

He went still, and she held her breath as she waited for his response. “Open your legs, Toni,” was not what she had expected him to say.

She spread her legs, and he shifted behind her so that his cock slid between her thighs.

“Now close them.”

She scrunched her brow in confusion, but she did what he said. He hadn’t steered her wrong yet.

“Your body is so soft,” he said, and she stiffened at the sudden pain in her heart. She’d always considered her soft chubbiness one of her failings. “It feels spectacular.” He worked his cock between her thighs, his breath hitching in her ear. She squeezed her thighs together, and he gasped. “This needs to be about your pleasure too,” he murmured before directing her palms down her belly. “I’ll show you how to touch yourself.”

“I know how to do that,” she admitted, but somehow as he pressed her finger into her cleft and rubbed it against her clit, the movement was far more pleasurable and exciting than any of her previous attempts at self-gratification.

“So you lied to me?” He sounded more amused than angry. “You’ve gotten yourself off in the past?”

“I’m sorry. I was embarrassed.” And now she Copyright 2016 - 2024