Insider - Olivia Cunning Page 0,81

she hadn’t moved from her bent-over-the-sofa-arm position. “No wonder I can’t think straight when you’re near. That pussy is a work of art.”

Instead of trying to hide her “work of art,” she spread her legs wider and wiggled her hips. She was surprised by her lack of inhibition and by how much she appreciated his crass compliment. She was rewarded for her brazenness when Logan dropped to his knees behind her and buried his face in her ass. His tongue plunged into her throbbing pussy. The tip of his nose touched her asshole. She gasped as the ring of muscle tightened involuntarily and began to throb with unexpected desire. His fingers dug into her hips and his tongue slid up to her still virginal back hole. Her hips bucked as he flicked his tongue, barely touching her there, but she was so shocked by his unexpected action she couldn’t breathe.

“Don’t, Logan,” she said in a panicked gasp of a voice. “Not there.”

He licked her gently again. “It doesn’t feel good?”

“It feels weird,” she said, which was true. His tongue traced a circle around the perimeter of what she’d always considered an exit. “And good,” she admitted.

“Have you ever been taken in the ass?” he asked.

Her face flamed, and she buried it in the cushions so that her next words were muffled. “No. I thought we’d established that I was a virgin.”

“Yeah, well, there are women who get fucked daily in the ass and claim to be virgins because they’ve never given up the pussy.”

Were there really? Was he pulling her leg? “That doesn’t count, does it?”

“Not in my mind,” he said. “So this hole is virginal too?” he said before licking her ass again.

“And it’s going to stay that way!” She tried to squirm away from his mouth, but he had a firm hold on her hips.

“For now,” he said agreeably and rose to his feet.

He released his hold on one hip, and she trembled as she felt the head of his cock being rubbed the length of her slit. She tensed when the tip of his condom brushed her saliva-wetted ass.

“Logan!” She tried covering her butt with one hand.

“I’ll never do anything you don’t want me to do,” he said before he slid the rigid length of his cock into her pussy, claiming her deep and slow.

“Yes,” she gasped, not sure why her ass was tingling with neglect, as if it wanted to lose its virginity too. That was not happening on her watch.

“One day soon, you’re going to beg me to claim every inch of you.”

Nope. Wasn’t going to happen. But she wasn’t about to relieve him of his fantasy when he was working his magic on her pussy. And she didn’t have the mindset to protest when his thumb began to rub her back opening in the same slow churning motion of his hips.

“Move with me, baby,” he murmured. “Let yourself become a part of our rhythm.”

He was doing spectacularly on his own; she didn’t want to get in the way of his skill. Yet she also wanted to be a good lover, and she supposed there wasn’t much good in just standing there taking all he had to give.

Her first attempts to move felt awkward. She rocked her hips front and back and was rewarded for her uncoordinated effort by his cock falling free of her body. He didn’t criticize, just found her again and used gentle squeezes on her hip to give her cues on when and how to move. Within a few strokes, she found that rhythm he’d referred to. The churning motion of her hips became more exaggerated as her confidence grew. Logan’s groans of pleasure added to her own bliss. She was so going to high-five herself later for being the cause of his obvious enjoyment.

“Oh God, Toni,” he said, “you’re going to make me come so hard if you keep doing that.”

Well then, of course she’d keep doing it. Their bodies were rubbing together so perfectly that his balls ground into her clit each time he thrust into her. Her own groans echoed his as she stopped worrying about what he was doing and concentrated on finding pleasure.

“Fuck, woman,” he said, stretching his hot body over her back. “Up, up, up. Your pussy feels too good in that position. I can’t take it.”

He eased her upright. Toni’s head swam at the sudden change of position. She made a grab for the back of the sofa as he lifted one of her Copyright 2016 - 2024