I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,53

taking over the mailroom and concentrating more on which gangs watched this go down and would swoop in for some revenge. I’d pissed off the witches. Surely, the witches pissed someone here off. I tended to do it more than other people, but pissing off people was a part of life, and none of these people would be in Silverhold if they didn’t have the same habits as mine.

I really hoped this didn’t reach blood feud level in Silverhold because I was pretty sure the Aether Circle had already declared one.

Astrid needed to handle her witches because if things got to blood feud level against me, then she was in danger too. So were Dakarys and Rajack.

Chapter 33



hated this. I hated watching the witches tear themselves apart because of Venus. Out of all the gangs in Silverhold, we had the best working relationship with them, and that was mostly because Astrid ran a tight ship. We were friendly with all of them. Some of them must have just looked at us as people who could get them shit instead of respecting what we pulled off with our black market because they were willing to listen to Venus about taking the mailroom over.

What they didn’t know was that they could have it if they would just lay off Rei long enough for us to escape. We weren’t going to leave Astrid high and dry, and we didn’t intend to pay her for the potion we needed with things she couldn’t get again. We would let her in on the big secret of running the black market out of the mailroom and let her take over.

There was this entire, long debate about taking her with us because we just really liked her, but it was too risky to break out with four of us. We felt rotten about leaving her behind, but we could set her up with a profitable business. Dakarys and I had a nice fund waiting for us when we got out to make sure we stayed hidden.

It was the Vampire’s day to bring us their list of dirty books and sex toys. People needed what they needed to get through prison, and we didn’t judge. Marcel always brought the list, and as far as Vampires went, he was the most tolerable out of everyone in Silverhold. He didn’t always look at everyone like he wanted to eat them or fuck them. Or fuck them while eating them.

The only irritating thing about Marcel is that he didn’t respect personal space. He got way too close to me and slipped me his list where the cameras wouldn’t see it. He liked to sniff when he was close too, which was just creepy. Vampires did that a lot. They sniffed people way more than shifters did. Shifters could pull it off. It was how they got to know you, and they could sense your mood. It helped show them how to react around you. Vampires did it because you smelled like food to them.

I pressed my hand against Marcus’s forehead and pushed him away from me.

“What did I tell you about that, Marcus?”

He ran his tongue across his fangs.

“I’ve just never sampled a gargoyle before, and you smell good. I’d make it feel good.”

“You’re getting pushy again, Marcus. Do you want what’s on this list? Dakarys and I have already said we’re off-limits for feeding, even if none of you have had a gargoyle or a sphinx before. We’re proud, powerful supernatural creatures. We aren’t finger sandwiches where you can try when you want.”

Marcus just winked at me and flashed his fangs.

“Everyone is a finger sandwich to a Vampire. What’s going on with the witches? Are they plotting to overthrow Queen Astrid?”

We couldn’t answer that. This could just be harmless gossip, and Vampires loved gossip, or Marcus could want to know this to bring it back to the Vampires. It wasn’t just the Vampires either. Any of the gangs who had a problem with one of the witches but were backing off because of Astrid would be watching and waiting to swoop in. And some of them had issues with Astrid but hadn’t taken her out because Wren would kill them. You had to be pretty fucking stupid to mess with Wren.

Wren was a pretty prolific assassin for her coven before she got caught. She was Astrid’s assassin now. She might have those handcuffs on and no access to her magic. Wren might have been almost as small as Rei was,

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