I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,54

but she knew several ways to take people out anyway, and she was fiercely loyal to Astrid.

“Don’t even think about it, Marcus. Wren will wipe out your entire clan if you even think about it, and we’ll stop filling your orders. You’ll never find out how Blood Feud ends before you die.”

“We don’t have a problem with the little witches, but some shifters do. There’s a rumor going around it was the foxes that put that witch in medical, and you know the eagles and the witches are mortal enemies. Astrid and Tallon negotiated peace, but you know the only reason their people kept in line was because of their leaders.”

All that happened before our transfer, so we didn’t know all the specifics of why gang war broke out between the witches and the eagles. We just knew it was over. The witches and the eagles stayed away from each other, and Wren liked to brag about how many of them she’d taken out when they were fighting.

This was such a mess. The eagles had even bigger egos than the wolves, and they always bragged about how many countries put eagles on their flags. The list they gave us was pretty fucking pretentious too. Every gang had a hooch maker except the eagles. The eagles couldn’t drink toilet wine like everyone else. The list they gave us involved imported bourbon and snacks from other countries. Most everyone here was happy with hooch and junk food the commissary didn’t sell. The eagles didn’t want food unless it was expensive, imported, and hard for us to get until we found a contact.

“Is it true your new fox friend is causing all the drama with the witches? She’s cute,” Marcus said.

“Stay away from her, Marcus. She’s not food either.”

We did not need the Vampires getting interested in her blood and wondering what she was. Faust was a little too interested in that. The foxes just accepted she was one of them, but we needed to get her out of here before more people figured out she wasn’t a fox shifter.

Marcus wrinkled his nose.

“Not for me. Even though they act like they are superior to Vampires, shifter blood is just not good. I wouldn’t mind bedding that one, though.”

Fucking Vampires. If they didn’t want to bite you, then they wanted to fuck you. Marcus had asked Dakarys and me for sex when we said he couldn’t bite us.

“No fucking either, Marcus. Leave her alone.”

“If the two of you are hitting that together, can I watch?”

“Get the fuck out of here, Marcus,” Dakarys growled. “At the rate you’re pissing me off, I’m starting to feel like I don’t want to get your shit.”

Marcus held his hands up and backed away slowly.

“It’s cool, man. We had prison counselors here for a little while, and mine said no question was a stupid question. I should always ask.”

Marcus left the room, and Dakarys turned to me.

“I see why they fired the prison therapists if they told a fucking Vampire to ask every single question that popped into their heads. We need to keep them away from Rei.”

“Astrid and Wren need to do something bold to corral the witches, or the eagles are going to swoop in and start another war. Not to mention the fact that they’ll probably have the foxes as allies now.”

“I feel so fucking helpless. We could try to sneak into medical and kill Venus, but it would just make things worse. If I had known she was going to cause a whole revolt and possibly start another prison war, I would have killed her on her first day,” I said.

“I think several people in here wish they had shanked her before she caused so much trouble. It’s too late now.”

“It’s fucked up people are still blaming Rei. Rei says she didn’t even break in with a mask and was caught on camera. Venus would have ended up here even if Rei didn’t shift and bite her.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think anyone else knows that, and no one is asking for the proper story. Everyone has heard Venus’s side, and I’m sure she’s telling it like she planned the perfect heist until Rei bit her.”

“Yeah, but we don’t want people approaching Rei and figuring out she’s not a fox shifter. We can’t start gossip either because we still need Astrid on our side.”

Dakarys let out this huge sigh.

“You do realize this is going to get to a point where it’s Rei or Venus, right? Astrid

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