I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,52

broke out of here. It wasn’t like I could stay in Silverhold either, even with Faust looking after me. He wouldn’t be everywhere at once.

Brody was going to be an easy mark. I just had to make sure no one saw me. Brody was one of the evil warlocks. There were plenty of nice witches and warlocks if you didn’t know that since they all wanted to kill me. Brody was not one of them. I could tell just by looking at those beady eyes of his.

He was shifty, but not in the paranoid way that would make stealing from him hard. He was one of those warlocks that thought his magic made him way too powerful to be a target. I hated those kinds of people. Honestly, I probably would have stolen from him just to prove a point in here if Dakarys and Rajack hadn’t picked him for his keys. I would have done it just to mess with him, like stolen his phone so I could have one in here or his computer mouse to piss him off. I could be a passive-aggressive little kleptomaniac.

He even had douche bag hair. His hair belonged on some frat boy named Chad in 1998. I was glad they picked him. It would have been easier to steal from Faust, but I just couldn’t do that. I didn’t steal from people just because it was easy. Faust was honest with me when I asked if he was a serial killer, and he gave me an answer I could accept. There was a fine line between a serial killer and a paid assassin, and Faust had a code, so he didn’t cross it. I would have said no and told them to pick another target if they wanted me to steal from Faust.

Brody kept glaring at me from across the mess hall and beating his shock baton against the palm of his hand. I avoided meeting his eyes, even if I wanted to wink at him. I could use this. I already knew if Dakarys and Rajack started a riot, he’d make a beeline for me to give me a few shocks. I could use that opportunity to lift his keys. I’d take a few shocks for the team if it meant getting out of here.

I was starting to like Faust, but he was doing that overprotective thing wolves liked to do. It was entirely possible Faust would get to me before Brody did and ruin our entire riot so I couldn’t get those keys. I liked that he looked out for me when it came to witchy killers, but not so much when it came to breaking out of prison.

I knew Dakarys and Rajack wanted out of here just as much as I did, but for different reasons. We couldn’t put our plan in place without Astrid’s help, and she was still dealing with Venus and her shit. The shit still hadn’t been dealt with, and things looked tense at the witch table.

This seriously did not bode well for me. I had enough witches that wanted me dead without all of them in Silverhold siding with Venus. And it looked like several of them did, or the witches would have taken her out by now. Astrid and Wren wouldn’t even be seen with us to give us an update. It was that tense over there.

It was this entire stalemate where I had three men offering to kill Venus for me, and we couldn’t do a damned thing because witches were just so sensitive when you bit one of them. I could have used my magic and snapped her neck. Did they even think of that? I bit her instead of killing her because I had principles. Prison changed me. I’d already thought up several ways to kill her.

“Have any witches snuck into the mailroom with an update?”

Dakarys sighed.

“They haven’t even brought us a new list. Wren was supposed to be stopping whispers of taking over the mailroom, but it sounds like it’s spread. Astrid is doing her best with what she has. She and Wren are good at this. They’ll put down the mini witch revolt and take care of Venus.”

I liked Astrid, but I hardly knew her. Things looked pretty fucking dire at the witch table. I had this feeling showing weakness in prison was a bad idea, and now every single gang in Silverhold knew the witches were having problems. Perhaps they should focus less on killing me and

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