I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,37

we have stolen their keys while we get the fuck out of here. His name is Brody, and he’s a warlock. If you’re already out, let us know.”

I shrugged. I hadn’t picked a pocket for a good long time. I stuck to grand larceny, but Hauser improved my skills on that since he caught me trying to lift his wallet. Evil warlocks were easy targets. They usually carried a lot of cash and thought they were too powerful for people to dare steal from them.

“I’m in. What time frame are we on? The only guard I ever see is Faust. I’ve never met him. I’m going to have to come up with a plan. Faust doesn’t let me out of his sight when I’m by the offices. I’ll have to pick his pocket. How can we cause mass hysteria and get him in the same room as me?”

Dakarys and Rajack grinned at each other.

“Mess hall riot,” they both said at the same time.

“Is that it? You just need me to pick a warlock’s pocket? What else does your plan involve?”

Getting keys was a start, but we couldn’t exactly walk out of this prison. Even if we got those cuffs off, we couldn’t fight our way out either. The guards outnumbered us. They had shock batons and guns. I’d steal from a guard all fucking day if they had a plan that didn’t involve me getting killed.

They both just grinned at me.

“The guard’s offices are new. There is an entire wing of Silverhold that used to house their offices. Brody brought a hot plate in and started this huge fire. Oddly, he didn’t get fired. He just got suspended without pay for a few weeks. They moved the guard’s offices and put a steel door on the entrance. That particular wing leads straight out the prison, and no one goes in there,” Dakarys said.

“We’re going to have Astrid make a potion that will dissolve the steel door. She’s already told us it’s possible with the right ingredients. We sneak out, and we’ll have to arrange a car to get us far away. That shouldn’t be a problem.”

“I might be able to help with that,” I said.

Would Hauser help us? He did everything he could to make sure I didn’t rot in here, and he tried to talk me out of stealing that amulet. I knew he could see the beauty in breaking out of Silverhold, but he was also super against ever getting caught. He’d managed that so far, and he taught me exactly how not to go down. If I had listened, I wouldn’t be here planning how to break out.

“How do you plan on getting to this door without getting caught? They don’t exactly give us a lot of free time. The bell is going to ring for last count any minute now.”

“Yard time,” Dakarys said. “Most of the guards are in the yard when a group goes out, and we do get free time then. We know where everyone goes then and can account for them. They are nowhere near that door. We just need to get there quietly, and that’s totally possible.”

I had many more questions, but the bell started ringing to get back to our cells for count. I was totally on board with this if I could get more details that I wouldn’t die breaking out of Silverhold.

And I actually needed to lay eyes on my mark first.

Chapter 27



was so fucking bad at this. I did not date. If I needed to scratch an itch, I went home with a female wolf from the bar with the understanding it would be one night. I didn’t do repeats. If someone asked, I got the fuck out of their bed. I never invited anyone back to my place because my home was sacred, and I didn’t want crazy people knowing where I lived.

I asked Rei for her commissary file, not just to get it set up for her. She said her mentor was a wolf. I jotted his number down when she wasn’t looking, and now, I was sitting here like a fucking idiot trying to get up the courage to call and introduce myself.

How fucking awkward would that conversation be? Hello, I’m your ward’s CO, and she just happens to be my mate. How can I fix shit with her so she doesn’t hate me? Shit, how could I even explain all this without having him after me?

Still, my alpha wasn’t totally shit when he raised

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