I Regret Nothing - JB Trepagnier Page 0,38

me. He taught me how to romance and date. It just didn’t go hand in hand with killing people, and I wasn’t really interested in anyone in my pack before I left. This was stupid. I needed to get over it. I picked up my cell phone and punched in this wolf’s number.

“Who the fuck is this?” he demanded.

“Is this Hauser Lennix?”

“It depends on who the fuck this is and how you got this number.”

“Faust Vensolv. I’m a guard at Silverhold.”

“Rei had better be fucking okay, and this is not the phone number for the prison!”

“Rei is fine. She’s locked in her cell for the night. They put her in here with the witch she was arrested with. The witch is going to be a problem, but I’m handling it.”

“Then why are you calling me, and how did you get this number?”

I cleared my throat.

“I wrote your number down from her commissary paperwork. She mentioned her mentor was a wolf, and I was hoping that was you. We need to talk. Wolf to wolf.”

“I know where you are going with this, and if you hurt her, I’ll hunt you down and end you.”

“That’s not it. Not even close. I know she’s not a fox shifter. They didn’t give her a blood test in processing. I have no idea what she is, but I have no intention of hurting her. She’s my mate.”

The line went totally silent before he let out this little chuckle.

“No, shit? Since you know she’s not a fox shifter, then I guess you know she’s not feeling a damned thing you are, and you’re going to have to earn it.”

Well, that was progress. He didn’t hang up in my face, call the warden, and get her transferred as far away from me as possible. I wasn’t stupid. I wasn’t about to have any type of physical relationship with her while she was in prison. It would be taking advantage as her CO. The power dynamic was off. We could do that when she got out and we were equals. And we would be. She would be my equal in everything, and I intended to spoil her rotten. I had seven years to fix this.

“Yeah, I get that, and I botched this up before I realized the truth.”

“You’d better grovel, man. Rei can hold a grudge better than anyone I know. She’s not totally unreasonable, but depending on how much you fucked up, you may need more than seven years to win her over.”

“I may have made an ass of myself when I realized she wasn’t a fox shifter like everyone thinks.”

“Big mistake. I told her to keep that secret no matter what she did. They didn’t figure that out during processing?”

“A lot of the staff here is lazy. We just took in another fox shifter a few days ago, so I’m guessing they just used the same spell on her cuffs.”

“You’re a guard there. Why didn’t you bring her back and have it corrected?”

“I should have. I know that, but I wanted her to show me what she really was because I honestly still have no idea. The only reason I still haven’t is because she’s in danger. It’s not just that witch Venus. The coven she stole from has a bounty on her head. I didn’t take the job, but they were paying enough that someone eventually will.”

I could only ever say something like that to another wolf who happened to be a criminal. He would understand it was a job, and it was nothing personal. He had to be good at what he did too if he wasn’t here in Silverhold.

“Would you have taken the job if she wasn’t your mate?”

“No. I only take jobs if people deserve it. Rei seems to have pissed off a lot of witches, but she doesn’t deserve to die for stealing.”

“Is Rei aware of the hit?”

“I haven’t told her. She’s got a lot on her plate getting used to prison, and that witch on the inside is up to something. I was hoping you could do something from the outside.”

“Kill an entire coven? I’d do it for her, but that particular coven is huge and well connected. Rei planned to get into their estate for months. She normally doesn’t leave a shred of proof behind, but that coven had many cats. They had a lot of double-sided tape everywhere to keep their pets from scratching. That’s the only reason she left that hair behind. All their cats were black,

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