Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,42

far too many questions and not enough time. Helena wanted to ask Selena about the knowing they were true mates thing, but finding out what she knew about Aleksei had to take priority. “What's going on in there? Do they know what's happened to Aleksei? Can they help?”

Selena stopped in front of a bathroom with a hot shower already running, a stack of clothes on the counter, and every beauty product she might ever need, including some healing balm for her feet. She took Helena by the shoulders and squeezed. “Take a minute to take care of yourself. We can't do anything for Aleksei running around like chickens with our heads flapping around and bloody. Once you’re cleaned up, we'll figure out how to rescue your mate. Okay?”

Her mate. She didn't entirely understand what that meant, but she knew it felt right. “Okay. I won’t be more than a few minutes. Tell those boys of yours to be ready to kick some ass.”

When Helena was showered and dressed in the clothes that somehow fit perfectly, were functional and flattering all at the same time, she hurried to the dining room. Heli jumped up out of her chair and grabbed her in a long, hard bear hug. “We're here for you, okay?”

The second Heli let go, she picked up a plate full of cookies and shoved them toward Helena.

Uh-oh. This was bad. If Heli was stress baking, some serious shit was going down. Helena took a cookie and used it as her weapon of choice. “You tell me everything I need to know right now, or I will dunk this cookie in orange juice and put it down the garbage disposal.”

“Huaah.” Heli gasped and was strangled by the threat at the same time, so it came out all garbled. Kosta came to her rescue and snatched the cookie from Helena's hand, shoving it into his mouth.

He made mean squinty eyes at Helena, but she gave them right back. “Look. I know I'm not up to speed on this whole wolf pack war thing, or the details of being a mate, or whatever. But Aleksei is mine now, and if you don't tell me what's going on, what the plan is to fix it, and like a dozen other things, I'm marching right out the door, calling every single one of the girls at the club, and we are going to solve this problem ourselves. Don't you dare tell me a band of exotic dancers can't, because we deal with sleazeballs and dumbasses every day, and there isn't a woman among us that won't cut a bitch if we have to.”

Kosta looked at Max and Niko, smirked, and said, “Told ya.”

Niko shook his head. “We are not ready to reveal ourselves to the whole damn world yet. I will not put every wolf at risk because someone wants to usurp my title. Fuck it. Let them. See if they can do better.”

Zara rubbed her hand up and down Niko's arm. “No one is a better man to lead the wolves than you are, sweetheart.”

Niko looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Uneasy is the head that wears a crown. Helena wanted to feel for Niko, but it wasn't getting her the answers she needed or the actions to help Aleksei. “ I walking out of here to get my girl gang, or are you puppy dogs going to do something besides sit around and sniff each other's butts?”

Galyna raised her hand. “I volunteer to be on the girl gang. I've been trying to tell these guys for months that the people of Rogue can handle this, but somebody had to go and have visions of dragons coming to town or some such ridiculous thing and now we're sitting on our bums. I say, girl power for the win.”

Dragons? Was that a thing? Like, for real, like werewolves? And that was not something she was ever going to say out loud. She blurted out, “Hey, I had a vision too and mine said let's quit yapping and get to saving the world.”

The whole room looked at her like she'd said boo to a baby. Selena grinned with an I-told-you-so gleam, but everyone else was clearly shocked. “You can all close your jaws and tell me what me having a vision means later. Let's. Go.”

She waved them toward the back door, but instead of them going out, a pack of wolves came bounding in. But none of them was Aleksei.

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