Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,43

self again right in front of the whole room. One would think with her job she wouldn't care who was naked and who wasn't, but she did. Maybe because while Harley had the goods to make some woman very, very happy, he was still no Aleksei.

“Sir,” he addressed Max who nodded that he should continue. “We lost the grey wolf. He's like a fucking ghost or something. Just disappeared. No trail. not even a fucking scent to follow.”

They all looked at Helena. “What? It's not like I'm friends with any other wolves besides you guys. That's about all the supernatural friends I can handle at the moment. He helped me and Aleksei, and he was in my vision. I'm pretty sure he's one of the good guys, but you all are so damn secretive, what do I know?”

Zara studied her for a moment longer than everyone else. “We should talk about your vision later. I'd like to know the interval between when Aleksei marked you and they started.”

“I don't know what marked me means.” While they were fooling around Aleksei had said something about wanting to mark her, but then they'd gotten to the good parts and she'd forgotten all about it. Must be some wolf thing. She hoped it didn't mean he had to pee on her or something. Like marking his territory. Gross.

“You know, when he bit you and you got your—” Heli pulled the collar of her t-shirt aside. A tattoo of a purple full moon with a howling wolf in the center practically glowed on her collarbone.

Lots of women in her profession were covered in tattoos. Helena had never found a design she wanted to have on her skin for the rest of her life. But holy wow, a butterfly or a heart or even a skull and crossbones had nothing on the beauty of the wolf on Heli. Helena was a bit jealous. “I don't have anything like that.”

Heli frowned. “Are you sure?”

“I'm ninety percent naked for the majority of my days. I’m pretty sure I would have noticed if someone had painted a glowing tattoo on me.”

Selena poured herself a cup of tea and held it up to Helena in cheers sort of gesture. “Sometimes the soul marks its mate before the body has a chance to. I know of one other wolftress who developed powers after meeting her true mate, even though she was never marked by him. That's the power of love.”

The rest of the room sat stunned by what Selena said, but Helena felt buoyed by her words. She did love Aleksei, and he loved her. And now she was done talking and was going to go save her mate.

Helena nodded toward Gal, indicating she could come along, and walked toward the front door of the house this time. Screw walking through the woods. She was borrowing aka stealing someone's car, going to the club to get her girls, and going on the hunt.

“Wait,” Harley said. “Uh, you shouldn't leave yet.”

“I've had enough of you boys standing around holding your enormous dicks. I've got a mate to go save, with or without your help.” She came here thinking the Troikas were her only hope. Seemed like politics was going to get in the way. She never cared for politics.

“But we got more information on Aleksei. We found out before you got here that he'd been taken and was being held by this new faction.”

“Great. Then let's go take them out.”

“I mean. We can and we probably should. But it's Max's place to declare war on them since he's the alpha who can demand blood for blood, a life for a life.”

Max swore not quite under his breath. “Fuck.”

Blood for blood. A life for a life.

The trembles from before came back, but this time they rattled all the way to her bones. Her vision didn't go dark, and she didn't see a grey wolf or anything else, but everything just went blurry and she had to get control of her hands to wipe the tears out of her eyes.

“No. Don't say it. Don't. It's not true, you don't know what you're talking about. I would know. I would know.”

The women surrounded her in a giant group hug, which almost insulated her from hearing Harley's next words. Almost.

“Aleksei's dead. Killed by this wolf who wants to be the new Tzar.”

Not Not Dead

Was he dead?

Sure as hell felt like he was. Every bone in his human body had cracks in them. All two hundred Copyright 2016 - 2024