Hungry Wolf - Aidy Award Page 0,41

to Supernatural Dating.

That was going on her to do list. Just as soon as she saved her lover, took out the bad guys, and finally got to eat her Thanksgiving leftovers.

The wolf in front of her continued to laugh, but also bowed its head and Helena heard the sickening sound of bones cracking and watched the fur split across its back. Gross.

In a blink or two the laughing wolf became a stark-naked man. Eek. It was the bartender from Sleepy Folk. Crap, what was his name? She was completely distracted by all that man flesh and could not think of his name, and she totally knew it, she really really did. This had to be what dudes at the club felt like when she took all of her clothes off.

“Helena? What are you doing in the Reserve?”

She dragged her eyes away from his giant package and made sure not to let them drift any lower than his chin. Now that she had her gawking under control, she finally remembered his name. Harley. Phew. She blurted out, “Aleksei's in trouble.”

“Why was that wolf attacking you?” He looked off into the direction the grey wolf and his buddies had run and scowled. “Who is he?”

“What? No? That grey wolf? He was helping me. He brought me to you guys. I think. It’s confusing. Who cares, we have to go help Aleksei.”

Harley frowned and then looked her up and down like he was just realizing she was running around the woods half-naked. She gave Aleksei's shirt a tug downwards. It was only barely covering her hoo-ha. If the wolves were any smaller, they'd all have seen right up in her business.

“That was a lone wolf. They are very dangerous. Max and Niko are going to want to ask you questions about him. That is, if our Troika Enforcers don't get to him first.” He waved Helena forward and the other two wolves flanked the two of them.

Great, she was being herded again like a fucking sheep. “Harley, you aren't listening. I don't give a flying foot fuck about the grey wolf or whether he's alone or not. You have to come with me back to my house, right now.”

“The pack house is just up ahead. Selena will have clothes for you and a place to clean up. The alphas and their mates are already there and will explain—”

“Are you shitting me? Kosta, Heli, and the others are all here? Come on, hurry up. We gotta go round everybody up and bring reinforcements back to my place.” She smacked him on the arm and jogged on ignoring the pain in her feet, her side, and her heart.

Selena Troika, dressed as if she was hosting a board meeting for some fancy pants corporation, waited for her at the big French doors at the back of the house. She had a plush spa-style full-length robe held out and a pair of soft slippers at her feet.

Helena didn't realize just how cold she was or how dirty her legs and feet were until she slipped into the comforting material. “Thank you, but I'm hoping you have some leggings and, I don't know, like a flack jacket I can borrow too.”

“Don't worry dear, we'll take care of you now.”

“Selena, please. I don't need to be taken care of. We have to get Aleksei some backup. He's fighting some really ugly, mean wolves and I think he's in a lot of trouble.” She didn't want to say how she was worried it was a whole lot more than just trouble. She refused to believe he was...nope. Not even gonna think that.

“Helena, come in. Your Aleksei is indeed in trouble, but he's alive and we will do everything we can to get him back.” Selena waved her into the house as calm as can be, but Helena heard the worry in her voice.

“What do you mean get him back? You know something, spill. He's important to me.” More than that, but she had to keep her emotions in check, because her imagination was already spiraling down, down, down into the depths, wondering what would she do without him.

“I know he is. Well, I mean I knew he would be. You're true mates. I wasn't sure either of you would allow the connection to happen, especially not this fast. I'm glad you have. It may be what saves him.” She led Helena through a formal living room. The deep male voices of her boss, and his brothers came from nearby.

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