How Much I Feel - Marie Force Page 0,81


“Is it now?”

“It is. And good fat helps to get rid of the bad fat.” She pulls a face. “I like to think of it like a Pac-Man in there, gobbling up all the fat I don’t need.” She puts four avocados in her basket.

“You don’t think you’re fat, do you?” I’m not at all sure if I should ask that, but curiosity wins out.

“I think I’m curvier than I should be.”

“I completely and adamantly disagree.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Stop.”

“I will not stop. I think your curves are luscious, delicious, sexy perfection, and you’ll never convince me otherwise.”

“You’re very good for a girl’s ego.”

“Your ego should be very, very healthy.”

I love the way she smiles at me and continues on her way, list in hand like the well-organized woman she is.

We return to her place, and when I tell her I want to check out the gym in her complex, she frowns. “Enjoy that.”

“Come with me.”

“No way. I’ve already told you I suck at the gym. I don’t need you seeing that for yourself.”

“Then let’s go for a walk or something.”

“It’s too hot.” She looks up at me. “You go. I have some things I need to do around here, such as laundry. I can toss yours in, too, if you want.”

“I don’t expect you to do my laundry.”

“I know you don’t. I offered. Put it in the bathroom if you want me to do it, and go have your run.”

“I’d rather hang with you than go run.”

“You can do both. I’ll still be here when you get back.”

“You promise?”

She kisses me. “I promise.”

I gather my laundry and put it in the bathroom, as directed, before changing into running shorts and a tank top. This is going to be quick because I don’t want to waste whatever time I have with her doing something as mundane as running.

I want to be with her every minute that I can for as long as I can. Who knows where I’ll be a week from now? All I know is the thought of being anywhere but with her is suddenly unfathomable to me.



In the morning, Jason and I take two cars to get cortaditos from Juanita before parting company to spend the day apart for the first time in a week. He’s heading to the clinic, and I’m going to my office at the hospital to fine-tune his presentation to the board that’s set for Friday at four.

I show it to Mr. Augustino that afternoon, and he agrees it’s excellent.

“Can you think of anything else that ought to be included?” I ask him.

“Perhaps more about the details of his research and how that could bring national and international prestige to our hospital.”

“Good point.” I make a note to ask Jason for more information about the specifics of his research.

“This is very well done, Carmen. Great work.”

“Thank you. Dr. Northrup made it easy by giving me so much to work with.”

“Is it true that he’s back at the free clinic in Little Havana this week?”

“He is.”

“Well, that’s good of him to do.”

“He really enjoys working there. If he’s granted privileges here, I think he’ll continue to volunteer there as often as he can.”

“I received an interesting email today.”

I experience a twinge of anxiety from the way he says that.

“It was from the woman Dr. Northrup was involved with in New York. She explained the circumstances of their relationship and confirmed that he had no idea who she was or that she was married with children. She took the blame for the entire mess.”

“Oh. Well, that’s good news.”

“Apparently, she also sent the letter to the board of the hospital in New York.”

Even though I already know this, hearing it from Mr. Augustino makes it more official. Of course he’ll go back to New York. I’ve been such a fool to think he’d do anything but that if offered the opportunity.

“Are you all right, Carmen? I hope you know this is all about courtesy to our sister facility and is no reflection at all on the terrific work you’ve done.”

I look up at Mr. Augustino, my boss, the hospital president, the man who must never know that I’ve fallen hard for the doctor he assigned me to work with. I clear the emotion from my throat and keep my face expressionless when I look at him. “Yes, of course. I’m fine, and I’m glad you’re happy with my work.”

But one thing is abundantly clear to me in light of this development. I have Copyright 2016 - 2024