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and back to me. Her face twists as my words sink in, and I see a range of emotions she’s never shown. Panic? Fear? Shame?

It’s time to go. I pat Caldwell on the back and give her lawyer a quick chin lift, walking to the door.

“You didn’t answer my question. Is she worth it?”

I drop my head and take a deep breath, then face her. “I was trying to avoid being cruel because you’re not going to like my answer. She’s worth everything to me. I am nothing without her. But even in a world without Bizzy, there’d never be a you and me. Our situation would be the same.”

I don’t wait for her response before walking out. Part one of my day is done. Now, onto part two— getting this ring on Bizzy’s finger.


Chapter 23


I slink into my chair, feeling the weight of three grown men staring at me in disbelief. Their silence is deafening. My stomach knots, and I regret the decision to wait and tell them my plans after we ate.

“One of you, say something.”

“Charlotte?” Nicky asks.

“Charlotte,” I confirm.

“For eight weeks?”

“Yes, but it will fly by.” It comes out unconvincing, even to me.

“Don’t get me wrong, Bizzy; what you’re doing is noble, but why?” Mathis questions.

“I’m doing it because they need me. I have strengths they are missing with the current group traveling. Evie says she thinks I’ll be a real asset.”

“There’s no doubt you’ll be an asset. They’re lucky to have you, but when did you make this decision? I saw the last list of staff leaving, and your name wasn’t on it.”

I swallow hard, scared to look at Shaw. “I made the decision a week ago. The day Grady died.”

Shaw’s head shoots up, his lips set in hard line. His shock bleeds into anger.

“Say something, please,” I beg him.

“Did she do this? Seeing her, listening to her spout her shit… is that why you’re doing this?”

All the air is sucked out of the room as Nicky and Mathis both give a rough rumble.

Shaw jumps up, his chair scraping loudly and the table shaking as his thighs bang into it. I have to grab my glass to keep it from toppling over.

“Charlotte! Fucking Charlotte? You’re leaving for two damn months? You didn’t think to discuss this with me? You promised me you wouldn’t leave me. I won’t let her push you out of town. You belong here. You belong with me!”

“I’m coming back,” is all I can say.

Fury radiates from the heat of his glare, and my heart starts to splinter. I’ve never seen him this pissed. He storms out and, a few seconds later, the door leading to the balcony slams. The vibration reaches all the way to my seat.

“Is he right, Biz? Is she the reason you volunteered to go?” Nicky’s question is laced with his own resentment.

I shrug, trying to find a way to explain. He and Mathis may not agree with my decision, but they’ll understand. Now, I need to find a way to make Shaw see where I’m coming from.

“I think I need to go talk to him.” I get up, taking my plate to the kitchen.

“We’ll clear the table and straighten the kitchen. You deal with him.” Mathis pats the back of my hand encouragingly. “We’ll let ourselves out when we’re done.”

I give them both a grateful hug and head to the patio to try and calm my furious boyfriend.

He’s sitting in the dark, facing the ocean with his elbows propped on his knees. I stand back and watch him finish an entire glass of whiskey in one gulp. He reaches between his legs and lifts the bottle, refilling his glass. Then he swallows that down as well.

“I know you’re there.” His voice is rough and harsh, grating on my fragile nerves.

“We should talk.”

“Well, get your ass over here.”

I go to him slowly, trying to think of exactly how I can explain this to him. All my earlier reasoning and a week’s worth of preparation disappears.

When I’m close enough, he circles an arm around my waist and tugs me to him. My arms automatically go around his shoulders, and I smell the strong scent of the whiskey. Usually I’m not a fan, but when he kisses me after drinking it, I love the taste.

“You’re upset with me.” I point out the obvious.

“Fuck yes, I am. How could I miss this?”

“Because you gave me the space to work through it, which I love you for. You didn’t push me to tell Copyright 2016 - 2024