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mine almost four months ago, everything changed.

“Who the hell is she?!?” Sasha screams.

I remain silent.

Her lawyer finally speaks up, “Mr. Bennett, Miss Crane has a right to know who will be around her child.”

Sasha growls.

Caldwell is ready.

“Lizbeth Hastings.”

Sasha lets out a blood-curdling scream, causing me to jump in my seat.

“The cancer girl! No fucking way! She’s a social-climbing whore! I’ll never let her anywhere near my child!”

This time, the room goes still for another reason. Everyone stays quiet, but the ice running through my veins starts to roar in my head. No one talks about Bizzy that way. Caldwell reaches over, grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to stay seated.

“Miss Crane, Lizbeth Hastings is a Pediatric Nurse who cares for sick children, not to mention her extensive medical background. She’s passed every social services check to date and is trained to go into private homes to care for children. Her background is stellar, not even a parking ticket in the last three years.”

“I don’t care about her fucking background. Where’s the dignity? She’s had cancer! She doesn’t fit with us!” Sasha waves her hand back and forth between us.

All control snaps. “What the hell are you saying? My brother is a cancer survivor! What does ‘us’ mean?”

“Your brother overcame it, became a star quarterback for an NFL team, and made a name for himself. What did she do?”

“She also beat cancer—against the odds—and became a nurse to help others going through the disease. That’s what it is, Sasha, a disease! A terrible, horrible, terrifying disease, and we should be thankful there are people like her in the world. And before you say anything else, my brother Mathis chose pediatric medicine because of Bizzy and Nick! Jesus, what the fuck?”

My heart races in my chest, and I’m fighting the impulse to walk out and tell her to fuck herself.

“You will not marry her and raise our child. I won’t allow it. I’ll tie this shit up in court for years.”

“You’d do that?” I question her, unbelieving she’d be that hateful.

“Hell yes!”

Holy shit. This is real. She’s serious. I knew she’d be pissed, but never did I think she was this malicious.

This went downhill fast, and my head is spinning because there’s no way out. Now that I know Sasha will make our life hell, I have to put the ball in her court and still remain amenable in the eyes of the courts. I want this child. I want to be a part of its life, but damn if she will cost me my relationship… and my child.

I stand, straightening my jacket and avoiding her glare. I’m too pissed to be diplomatic.

“Sasha, I’m sorry you feel that way. Obviously, our lawyers need to stay involved. I’ll do everything we spoke about. Email me your schedule and we’ll set up a family meeting. Also, I’ll stop by the hospital this week and request an updated schedule of classes. However, it’s probably best if we reserve a private session, since our situation is so delicate.”

“If you do this, I’ll ruin you. You’ll lose your money, reputation, and status. You can kiss any parental rights goodbye. Good luck getting any judge in this entire state to side with you. Can you honestly say she’s worth it? That you’d lose your child over her?”

“Your threats and intimidation tactics don’t work, Sasha. I happen to know you have an exceptional compensation package and are very well paid. I’ll always provide for the child, but you won’t get any of my money. As for my reputation, I’ve already thought of that. I’ve spent years warning my clients of leeches that will purposely get pregnant, going after their money. I’m one of the best when it comes to covering the story. Our situation has nothing to do with my business. My status? I’m still the same person. My commitments and obligations will remain.

“What exactly do you think a judge will think when they see us? Two people who had consensual sex, which resulted in a surprise pregnancy. Once we established paternity, I’ve been accommodating. It’s you who has flown off the handle on multiple occasions, using threats to me and to our unborn child. Must I remind you of your ultimatum of terminating the pregnancy? I have witnesses to your erratic behavior, including throwing a glass less than ten minutes ago. Maybe I should be worried about your temperament? Child custody cases can go many ways. I hope we don’t resort to the nastiness.”

She looks at her lawyer Copyright 2016 - 2024