Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,48

only one football player in your life.”

“Oh my God! You’re ridiculous. I’d hardly count a few text messages as cozying up to him. He’s nice. He’s also got a big heart. I think he’s going to get involved with the children’s cancer group in Tampa.”

“Fucking suck-up.”


“Okay, I’m kidding. But, seriously, you up for company? I can be there in thirty minutes.”

“I’d love it. I have a full bottle of wine chilling.”

“I’ll bring beer.” He disconnects, and I immediately dial Shaw.

“Beautiful,” he answers. His voice is low and there’s murmuring in the background.

“You sending your brother to babysit?”

“No, I’m sending him to make sure you get a decent meal and have some fun.”

“I can take care of myself.”

“You can, but it’s unnecessary.”

I sigh, the nagging feeling returning.

“Biz, is something wrong?”

“No, I’m disappointed about our plans being canceled.”

“Dammit,” he hisses, and I hear him moving, the voices in the background growing faint.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”

“No, I’m sorry. Have I upset you? Are you angry?”

“Of course not. There’s a huge difference in anger and disappointment.”

“I’ll make it up to you. Tell me we’re okay.”

His words set off an alarm inside.

“Why wouldn’t we be? You have to work. I’m being selfish.”

“Stop. You are the most selfless person I know. I’ll cancel tonight if it’s going to upset you.”

“Shaw, what’s gotten into you? I’m fine. Don’t cancel your meeting. I’m sorry I said anything.”

He lets out a loud breath, signaling his own disappointment. “I’ll be there in a few hours. Tomorrow morning, I cleared my schedule so I can spend some time with you, alone.”

“Sweetie, are you okay? Something seems off.”

“Yes, I’m fine. I miss you like crazy. Knowing you have to work the next four nights fucking sucks.”

I wait for him to mention me moving in again, but he doesn’t. He hasn’t pushed in over a week.

In reality, I wanted to pack up and move the minute he asked. Living together would be another dream come true for me, but the little bit of my brain that wasn’t consumed with love-lust told me to take a little time to think about it. Maybe I was too harsh and he took it the wrong way? Or maybe he’s changed his mind? The thought makes my stomach ache.

“You still there?” He breaks through my thoughts, and I realize he’s waiting on me to respond.

“Yes, sorry, I zoned out for a second. Are you going to be late tonight? I’ll wait up for you.”

“I won’t be too late. I’ll call when I’m on my way.”

I decide to break the silence on the moving issue, wanting to hear his reaction.

“When you get here, we need to talk about a few things. Primarily, my move.”

He blows out a deep breath, and my skin tingles, as if I can actually feel the warmth through the phone.

“Are you saying what I think you are?”

“Yes.” I give him my definitive answer.

“Jesus Christ. Thank you, God. Bizzy, you have no idea how happy that makes me. I needed to hear that, more than you’ll ever know.”

All my insecurities fly out of my mind. “Love you, Shaw.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

He hangs up and I giggle to myself, feeling like excited butterflies are dancing around my entire body. I feel like a fool for being so sensitive. He loves me, and I need to stop thinking the worst. It’s time I live in the moment and trust Shaw completely.

“Come here.” Shaw puts pressure on my scalp, trying to pull me to him, but I suck deep, using my tongue to circle his entire length.

“Ahhhhh…” He grips harder.

I scrape my nails along his inner thighs and massage his balls as I move up and down. His breathing becomes louder, and I glide up, paying attention to his tip, teasing him with little nips then licking his crown. He squirms beneath me, bucking up and growing harder. Saltiness coats the inside of my mouth, and I hum in appreciation, loving that I can make him react this way.

“You have to stop. I’m going to come.”

I swirl my tongue a few more times, lowering until he hits the back of my throat. At the same time, I squeeze his balls. He screams my name while jackknifing up, and starts to convulse.

The vein in his dick ticks against my bottom lip as he holds me in place and I rub my own thighs together to stop the ache.

His whole body goes limp, and he falls back to the bed, releasing my head. I slowly slide away, kissing the Copyright 2016 - 2024