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was protective before, you have no idea of the new depth of devotion. There’s a history between Bizzy and Sasha, one that I never knew about until recently, so as you can see, I have a lot more at stake than just a lifetime of being tied to the selfish, malicious, and heartless bitch.”

He nods, taking a sip of his own scotch, and I can see the wheels spinning. I know this move well; he’s got something to say, but he’s trying to figure out the best way to do it.

“Say it,” I push him. “I can handle it.”

“No other way to phrase this, so I’ll just come out and say it. You’ve been pretty honest about your feelings toward Sasha. Her name on your lips is like acid. So if you feel this strongly, why would you fight her on the abortion? I’m not asking as a father or as a friend. I’m asking as a lawyer.”

I’ve come this far, might as well go all in. “Two reasons, and both are purely selfish. One, because I’m not going to let her have that much control over me. If there’s any chance she did this to trap me, she’s going to be sorely surprised. I’ll never interfere with her right to choose if the baby threatens her health, but as of now, that baby could be my blood and I won’t let them die without a fight.”

He nods in understanding then raises an eyebrow for me to continue.

“Secondly.” I pause. Shit, am I really going to tell him? “Bizzy may not be able to have children.” Saying it out loud hits a whole new level of reality. Do I really want a child with Sasha? The answer is irrevocably no, but I also don’t want to lose a child that could be mine.

On my last word, he drops his head and blows out a deep breath. Now, he gets it.

“To be clear, there’s no chance you can reconcile with Sasha. You want me to go full throttle with this.”

“No chance. Sasha Crane means nothing to me. That’s why you need to help me handle this. You’re a non-emotional party who can think on your feet and make decisions that I may stall. It’s too close to me, and I can’t take the risk of messing anything up. Once Sasha realizes she has no control, she’s going to come out fighting mad.”

“Okay, I’ll have an update for you on Monday morning with my recommendation. My first thought is the non-invasive prenatal paternity. She’ll have to give a blood sample, and we’ll get a DNA swab from you.”

“That’s what I was thinking, so let’s stick with that train of thought. Once we confirm or negate her claims, I can move forward with my plans to deal with her.”


“One more thing. This all has to be extremely confidential. The only other person who knows is Gail.”

“Understood, but what about Bizzy?”

The pain in my chest starts to throb, the same ache that’s been there since Sasha showed up on Wednesday. I don’t have any answer for him, but in truth, I don’t know what to say.

Chapter 14


I listen to the voicemail for the third time, trying to pick up any type of clue from Shaw’s tone. He doesn’t sound off, just tired. The last week has been hell, and I wish I could do something to help. Even when I’ve popped into the office to surprise him with lunch, he’s been distracted.

Tonight, we had plans to go out to dinner, but his latest message left him canceling due to a late night endorsement negotiation. He’s done nothing to make me worry about us, but I’ve been feeling uneasy for days. Each time I bring it up, he tells me that nothing is bothering him except some pressing things with work.

My phone rings in my hand, and I see Nicky’s goofy face.

“Hey.” I try to sound casual and not disappointed.

“Heard your date ditched you tonight so you’re free.”

My heart does a little flutter. Shaw called him.

“It so happens that I have another date lined up with my DVR.”

“How about letting your favorite man come over and bring dinner. We’ll chill out, and you can tell me how great I was in Sunday’s game.”

I giggle into the phone. “Do you really need your ego stroked that badly?”

“Hell yeah. Since you’ve been dating my dipshit brother, you’re always busy. And besides, I heard you’ve been getting cozy with Darren Jackson. Think it’s time I remind you there’s Copyright 2016 - 2024