Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,46

time—” I throw back the rest of my drink and go to his sidebar to pour another. I need the liquid courage to even say it.

“This time, it’s me.”

He gives me a hard stare and, seeing my seriousness, lets out a low whistle. “Fuck me.”

“Not a chance. Fucking is what got me into this mess.”

“I assume by your expression and the way you’re sucking down scotch, this is a surprise?”

“Understatement of the year. If I had my way, I’d never see the woman again. As a matter of fact, that was my goal. Then she showed up unannounced at my office two days ago and dropped this bomb. According to her, there’s no doubt I am the father.”

“I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but how did this happen?”

“Don’t know. I’ve been asking myself that same exact thing for the last fifty-five hours. I was shit-faced, but I know I wore a condom. There was evidence of it the next morning. To be honest, I don’t remember anything about it.”

“Damn, man, I’m sorry. What can I do?”

“You can represent me. Be my go-between. I’m going to demand a paternity test, but this is going to get ugly. Really ugly. I need everything by the book.”

“Of course, but can’t you talk to her? If she was a one-time thing, this has to come as a surprise to her as well.”

I look at my friend and bark a dry laugh at his compassion. “I fucked her twice, on separate occasions. Never asked for her number, always drunk, and at random times. I was stupid enough to think we were on the same page—easy hook up, no strings. The last morning, when I was leaving, she practically demanded more, spouting that we were good together. I bolted and vowed to stay away.”

I take another drink, the liquid burning its way down my throat and settling like lead in my stomach.

“I don’t know what to say. Is there any way she’s lying about it being yours?”

“Hell yeah, that’s why we’re going to demand a paternity test. But the chances are good it’s mine. The timeline fits. Not only that, she’s threatening to abort the baby if I don’t live up to her expectations.”

“You got yourself a honey pot?”

“No, worse. I got myself a Sasha Crane.”

“Holy shit.” Shock registers on his face and quickly turns to pity. “Why would you ever sleep with that narcissistic bitch?”

“It was a mistake; one that has obviously come back to bite me in the ass.”

He knows Sasha; hell, most of the legal community knows her, and not in a good way. Her dad is a decent lawyer with a reputable practice, but even his years of work haven’t remained untarnished by her.

“Did she tell you what she wants?”

“Yep, she wants me. She thinks she has me trapped.”

“How do you want to play this? We can be as nasty as you want, but you take the risk of running both your names through the mud. Not sure how it’ll turn out.”

“There’s more.” I decide to tell all. In a way, talking to Caldwell is therapeutic.

“Fuck my ass, there’s more?”

“I’ve met someone.”

“Listen, man, I’m all about living your life to the fullest and sowing your oats, but don’t you think you should slow down. We’ll handle one problem at a time. The last thing you need is two women pregnant.”

His words slam into me, and I fight the urge to throw the highball glass against the wall. Anger swirls around the room as blood roars in my ears. I swallow once, twice, a third time, trying to tame down the fury building.

He notices the change and flings his hands in the air, his face losing some of its color.

“Whoa! Calm down. I’m only stating the obvious here.”

“I’ll let it slide because you’re in the dark to the situation, but when I say I’ve met someone, I should say she’s the one. The one woman on this earth meant to be mine. I’m not only in love, she is my everything. I can’t see a future without her, and this thing with Sasha has the opportunity to send my world into a spiral. If the baby is mine, so be it, but I have to be one-thousand percent certain before I rip the wound open for Bizzy.”

Recognition washes over him, and he hangs his head for a quick second before focusing back on me. “Bizzy—as in Lizbeth Hastings? Nick’s best friend?”

“One and the same, except now she’s mine. And if you thought I Copyright 2016 - 2024