Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,30

come again, my vision going spotty. Waves of pleasure continue to roll through my body.

I want to cry when he moves away, but my eyes stay closed as my body quivers from the most intense orgasms of my life. I faintly hear rustling and feel Shaw’s body come back over mine, covering me, skin to skin.

His cock twitches against my stomach, and when I open my eyes, he lowers himself to my neck.

“One day very soon, I’m going to spend the entire night licking you. I’ll fuck you with my tongue until you beg me to stop. That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. But I’m a greedy bastard and can’t wait another second to get inside you.”

I lower my eyes and see he’s rolled on a condom and is now positioned perfectly between my legs. Even with my mind still hazy, I shiver in excitement.

“Tell me this is still okay, Bizzy.”

“I want you.” My arms and legs circle around him, opening myself completely.

He slides in gently, his eyes locked with mine. Inch by inch, he sinks into me, and I fight not to clench down. I force myself to focus because I have to remember this moment forever. He stops, lowering himself to his elbows, and cradles my head, kissing me tenderly.

“You okay?”

“Yes,” I whisper, wanting all of him.

His hips jerk, entering me all the way. I cry out at the invasion, immediately feeling him everywhere in my body. He freezes, concern etched on his face.

“I’m okay, I swear. Give me a second.”

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I relax and adjust to him, my muscles contracting around his thickness. He hisses and a groan rumbles from his chest.

“You’re so fucking tight. Jesus, it’s like heaven.”

He starts to move, slowly at first, then picks up speed, surging in and out. I squeeze my legs around his waist, throwing my head back as each thrust hits me so deep I can’t stop the noises escaping. Every movement causes a ripple of pleasure so intense, I struggle to hold on.

My release builds again, and I moan, swiveling my hips to his.

“Oh fuck, baby, tell me you’re close.”

“God, yes.”

Two things happen at once. Somehow, he balances on one elbow and moves his free hand to my chest, pinching my nipple. At the same time, he puts his mouth to my neck and bites down lightly, leaving a small sting.

I scream as I shatter around him, barely hearing him growl as he plunges deep and stills, his cock pulsing inside me.

There are no words as he starts to glide gently, both of our chests beating together. My legs unclasp and loosen around his waist, but I can’t let go.

“I’m ruined. Fucking ruined,” he mumbles into my ear.

“Pretty sure I am, too,” I breathe out.

We stay connected for a while, his head cradled in my neck, while I draw lazy patterns on his back.

“Baby, you’re making me hard again.” He shuffles his hips. “I need to get rid of this condom.”


His lips move over mine as he rolls away, and I almost cry at the loss of his body heat. “Round two will be much slower than round one. Get ready.”

He gives me a seductive grin and disappears into the bathroom.

I do an all over body-tremble, ready for round two…and three…

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take you somewhere special for dinner?” Shaw nibbles on my ear, tightening his hold around my stomach.

“You know that would require we get dressed.” I motion to myself, only wearing his t-shirt.

“Fuck that idea. We’ll order room service.”

“Nicky’s game starts in an hour,” I remind him.

“For the first time in my life, I don’t give a shit about Nick’s game.”

“Shaw! He’d be crushed.”

“Not if he knew what I was doing. He’d totally understand.”

“Well, I can’t miss it. He’ll kill me… and you.”

“So, I had a ton of plans scheduled for you today, and we missed them all. Spa, shopping, complete pampering. Sorry I ruined them.”

“I told you before, I didn’t want to leave the suite. It’s been quite relaxing.” I brush my hand over his shorts and between his hipbones, growing confident when his cock thickens under my touch.

“Bizzy,” he growls, grabbing my hand and cupping himself. “See what you do to me?”

“Oh yeah, I like what I do to you.”

“Pretty sure I need to run to the store for more condoms.”

“Ugh,” I huff and throw myself across his lap. “For a man who had a plan, you Copyright 2016 - 2024