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didn’t plan very well.”

“I didn’t guess this would happen.” He kisses my lips tenderly. “A man can dream, but he can never dream this.”

“I’m still wondering how this happened,” I mutter softly against his mouth.

“This happened because a cocky bastard, who never thought this was possible, finally opened his eyes and noticed the woman of his dreams was right in front of him.”

I go still, his words seeping into my body. “For such a strong, demanding, and powerful businessman, you sure are sweet.”

“Only with you, baby. From this day forward, only with you.”

I reach up and seal my lips to his again, soaking in the gravity of the moment. The air starts to heat with sexual tension when I run my foot along his thigh and under the leg of his shorts.

“Biz,” he says into my mouth, “condoms.”

“I’m on the pill. I know it sounds cliché… but I feel safe with you.”

He stills and lifts up, his eyes roaming my face. “You are safe with me, always. Are you sure?”

I nod, running my hands through his hair, and feel the most confident I ever have in my life. “Yes, I trust you.”

He has us both naked in under a minute, kissing every inch of skin his mouth touches. I moan, unashamed, when he slides into me for the first time without any barriers. He goes slow, tilting my hips and sinking deep, then drops his forehead to mine.

“I’m never letting you go,” is the last thing he says before shattering my world apart.

Over and over again.

Chapter 9


“It’s so beautiful. I’m sad we’re leaving.” Bizzy sips her coffee, staring at the ocean from the balcony. There are a few early morning walkers and surfers on the beach, but otherwise, it’s pretty empty. She sighs wearily and places her cup on the table between us.

Without knowing it, she’s given me the open door to discuss something that’s been on my mind since we woke up on Saturday morning. Sleeping next to her each night, seeing her face first thing every morning, has become a habit I don’t want to break. Not to mention the fact that I have all access to her body. Now that I know what it feels like to sink deep into her anytime, it’s not something I’m willing to give up.


I go over to her, pulling her gently out of her chair and into me. My hands move to her lower waist, settling on her hips. She drapes her arms around my shoulders and looks at me with her eyes full of sadness. A burst of pain hits me square in the chest at the sight.

“You know I have a very similar view from my balcony at home. We could have mornings like this every day.”

Her eyes scrunch until the reality of what I’ve said washes over her. She drops her arms and stumbles back, but I don’t let her go far, dropping my hands to her ass and steadying her.

“You aren’t suggesting—”

“I could be.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Before you let your imagination run wild, hear me out. I’ve thought this through, and when we get back to Miami, it’s going to suck getting back into our routines. I work days and you work nights, but the nights you aren’t working, I want you in my bed. If you’ll give me that, I promise coffee service on the balcony each morning you’re there.”

Her lips tip up in a sexy grin as she lifts up on her toes, running her mouth along mine. “Coffee service, huh? You’re going to bribe me with coffee on your balcony?”

She wiggles against me, and my cock instantly hardens. “Did you hear the part about waking up in my bed?”

“Mmmhmm.” She nips lightly along my jawline.

“So you know that means you’ll also be naked, with me deep, deep inside you.”

“That sounds tempting. What else?” Her lips move to kiss the corners of my mouth, and she swivels her hips into mine.

I clasp her tighter, stopping her movements before I lose control. “My dick is throbbing, begging for release. If you don’t stop, I’m going to bend you over this balcony, and we’ll miss our flight.”

She giggles, her lips smiling against mine. “I’ll behave.”

“Only until we get home. Then, all bets are off. Mathis and Nick will have to make other plans for the night.”

She freezes, her body jerking as her arms fall to her sides. Her eyes lock with mine, and I don’t like what I see. A look of panic crosses her face as Copyright 2016 - 2024