Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,29

on his face leaving a tingle in my fingertips. “Shaw?” I swallow hard, trying not to lose my courage.


“Make love to me. Give me something I’ve dreamed about for years. Prove to me this is real.”

His eyes grow wide and transform into the most exotic shade of honey as they pierce into mine. The little bit of air between us starts to sizzle with sexual desire. My breathing picks up as he searches my face for any sign of uncertainty. I know he wanted to take this part of our relationship slow, but I don’t want to wait.

He skims his hand down my neck and across my collarbone, stopping at the strap of my tank.

“No going back.”

“I don’t want to go back. I want you.”

He leans in, running his tongue around my lips. I part them, stroking my own tongue against his teasingly. He takes his time kissing me lazily then changes his tune, going deeper, possessing me with every swirl until my head is swimming in lust.

In the last thirty-six hours, I’ve kissed this man more than anyone in my life. This kiss is different. I feel the meaning deep in my soul. He’s telling me everything I want to hear without words.

This is it. We’re crossing into territory we can never return from.

His hand travels down to the hem of my shirt and slides underneath, making contact with my skin. Desire and anticipation flow through my veins. I groan into his mouth when he finally runs his thumb over my aching nipple. I arch into him, sliding my foot up his leg and around his waist, forcing his hips into mine.

It’s his turn to moan when his hard erection brushes against my center. Desire turns into a searing need, and I move my hand slowly down his firm chest and torso, sliding directly into his pants. My fingertips graze over his head, scraping my nails gently.

He’s so smooth and thick, scorching hot against my palm. I try to adjust so my hand can grip his entire length, but it’s impossible. His own hand moves to the other side of my chest, rolling my nipple between his fingers. I pump him up and down, feeling a touch of moisture.

“If you do that again, I’ll fucking come before I even get inside you,” he growls, tearing away.

I freeze when he lowers his face. His eyes have turned the most startling shade of topaz I’ve ever seen. And they’re singeing a hole into me.

In a flash, he twists us both, and I have no choice but to release him when he tears my tank top over my head. Instantly, his mouth covers a nipple, and he sucks hard, the stubble on his face scraping against the sensitive skin in a deliciously erotic way. Part of me wants to enjoy every single nip and lick, memorize the way he lavishes my chest. But the other part of me needs more, so much more, as my blood sears through my veins.

“More,” spills out on a ragged breath.

Without breaking the connection, he bends on his knees and pushes my shorts down my legs until they’re gone. I grip his shoulders as the cool air hits my overheated skin. He touches my hips and stops moving, lifting up to look at me. I’m completely naked and exposed, lying under him.

“Fucking perfection.” There’s an appreciation in his tone that’s new.

The energy in the room changes again as he lowers himself, kissing and nipping along my skin, until he gets to my thighs. He sucks lightly on the inside of one leg, and I whimper. When he spreads my legs and swipes his tongue along my center, I arch into him, crying out at the sensation. He licks me in an agonizingly slow pace, driving me wild.

I’ve had very few lovers, and none of them have ever taken this time with me. No one has ever tried to pleasure me this way. The feeling is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s intoxicating and addictive.

His teeth graze across my clit, and I twist, my hands gripping his scalp. He moves back and uses only the tip of his tongue then thrusts in, sucking at the same time. His mouth repeats the motion, over and over, until I’m panting. Every nerve ending in my body is sizzling.

Electric heat travels down my spine, my stomach coiling tight. He grazes my clit once more, and I explode, screaming his name. He doesn’t stop, sliding one finger into me, and I Copyright 2016 - 2024