Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,28

you didn’t understand me. Is she going to be a PROBLEM?”

The force behind her words is clear; she’s asking about Bizzy. “Absolutely not. She’s nothing to me.”

“Okay, good, so I’ll keep playing interference.”

“Appreciate it, Gail. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“You’d never make it. Thank you, by the way, for the flowers.”

“You deserve them, and so much more after today.”

“I’ll settle for the snapshot that just came through. I like that Darren.”

“Jesus.” I look out the back window and see Darren pointing to his phone and grinning like a fool.

“Gail, I need another favor.”

“I must warn you, I’m almost out of miracles. Rearranging your entire weekend took some talent.”

“I need you to find me a reputable boat dealer. I want something large, but not too large that I can’t manage it. It needs to have at least two bedrooms.”

She starts to laugh, and the sound ringing through the line puts a smile on my face.

“I’ll have a something on your desk by Wednesday.”

“Thank you, Gail. I owe you.”

We hang up, and I turn my phone off again, heading back outside. I go directly to Bizzy, who’s now awake and propped on one elbow, laughing at something Joe said.

She catches my eye and winks then turns her attention back to Joe. With that one small gesture, the aggravation of Sasha Crane is easily forgotten.

Chapter 8


“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask, crawling into bed next to Shaw.

“Talk about what?”

“Whatever that call on the boat was about.”

“It was Gail, calling about a work issue. But it’s all taken care of.”

“You sure?”

“As far as I’m concerned, it was inconsequential. Someone trying to get a hold of me but Gail handled it.”

“You looked pretty annoyed.”

He reaches over, taking my hand in his and lifts it, kissing each fingertip. “I was aggravated. Some dumbass interrupted Gail’s Saturday, which in turn made her worried enough to call me. But we’ve got it handled.”

I get a nagging feeling that there’s a lot more to the story but decide to drop it because, obviously, he doesn’t want to share. He tugs me into him and kisses me softly then leans his forehead against mine.

“I also asked her to locate a boat salesman.”


“I’m buying a boat. After today, I decided we are going to spend a lot more time on the water.”

“You enjoyed it that much? I thought you’d been on a charter before.”

“I have. Dozens of times. But today was different. Today, I was with you, and seeing how much you enjoyed it made me want to give that to you anytime you want.”

“What?” I jerk back to read his face. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am serious.” His eyes shine bright.

“You’re buying a fishing boat because I had a good time?”

“Sure am. But it will be more than a fishing boat. I want bedrooms, a fully equipped galley, and anything else you request. ”

“Do you know anything about boats?”

He cocks an eye at me with a look of exasperation. “Bizzy.”

“No, I mean it. You’re talking crazy!”

He knifes up, twisting fast, and brings me down on my back. He leans on his elbow, and his other hand pushes my hair out of my face as he runs his fingers along my hairline.

“Did you have fun today?”

“You know I did.”

“So I’m buying one. I think the name Benn Bizzy has a nice ring to it, don’t you?”

I suck in a breath at the thought he’d want to combine our names. My pulse starts racing, and I have to bite my tongue to stop the tears that threaten.

Is this really happening? Is this kind of happiness possible?

When I think I can speak without my voice cracking, I cup his cheek and run my thumb across his bottom lip.

“I think it’s a great name.”

“Then it’s settled.”

“You have more money than sense, you know that?”

“Probably, but anything that’s within my power and reach that puts a smile on your face, I’m going to do it.”

“Just so you know, I’m a pretty simple girl.”

“The only thing simple about you is your modesty. Otherwise, you are deep and passionate, with a loving nature that captures everyone in your web. Anyone lucky enough to be in your presence can feel your warmth. If I had to describe you to anyone, they’d think I was lying because beauty like yours is so rare.”

His words sink in, filling me with so much love for this man, I want to burst. My hands thread through his thick hair and trail down his cheeks, the stubble Copyright 2016 - 2024