Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,118

be back soon.” He kisses me quickly, then bends to my ear. “Don’t get any ideas and promise our families we’ll hang out after the game. As soon as I get you home, we’re going to celebrate New Year’s naked with those strawberries and lots more champagne.”

My whole body shivers as I watch him walk away, and Mathis cusses besides me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask innocently, trying to hide my smirk.

“That shit has got to stop.” He clips in disgust.

There’s a deafening roar in the stands, and we all watch as a receiver sails past on the field toward the end zone. He doesn’t make it, but the excitement and energy of the game returns.

By the middle of the fourth quarter, we haven’t heard from Shaw, nor has he returned to the field. Any other time, I’d worry, but I know he’s taking care of things in the most politically correct way he can.

Nicky has the ball and shouts out his play calls then looks over and locks eyes with me. I watch the cocky, boyish grin form on his face through the facemask and brace. Mathis sees it, too, and moves closer, placing a hand on my elbow.

I hold my breath as Nicky falls back and looks for a receiver, right then the perfect hole opens up. He runs for it. His teammates block on each side as Nicky hustles down the field and into the end zone for a touchdown.

A high-pitched shriek sounds through the air, roaring over and over, and I finally realize it’s me. I’m screaming like a banshee, jumping up and down and pumping my hands in the air like a madwoman. Mathis is beside me doing the same. I grow hoarse as I take off running down the sidelines behind the reporters and into the corner, so I can get a better look at Nick celebrating in the end zone.

He sees me and rushes over, lifting me in the air and pumping his own fist. He and Mathis give multiple high fives as I beat on his helmet in celebration. The crowd is insane, which fuels our excitement. It seems to go on forever, but in actuality, it’s only about ten seconds.

But in that ten seconds, I forget everything.

I forget my jersey reads ‘C. Bennett’.

I forget I’m wearing an engagement ring the size of Texas.

I forget the cameras and live television coverage.

I also forget who is watching and how much she hates me.

Chapter 31


“Man, I’m sorry. It slipped out. The energy was fucking unreal. It was unlike anything that I’ve ever experienced.”

“Nick, you solidified your place as the number one quarterback in the league yesterday. My phone started going crazy the second we got home last night. You’re about to be big time, brother, so get ready.”

“No shit?”

“No shit. I’ll have my PR team get started on fielding the offers, and we’ll sit down at the end of the week. Until then, push anyone who contacts you to my office. We need to space this out and make sure your popularity grows through the playoffs. If we go to the Super Bowl, this will be a huge chance at marketing.”

“There is no ‘if’, it’s when we go to the Super Bowl.”

“Keep that attitude, kick ass, and ride the high. I’ll handle the rest.”

“Seriously, I’m sorry about announcing to the whole world you’re engaged. Like I said, it slipped out.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s not a secret.”

“Yeah, but Bizzy probably wants to kill me.”

I chuckle and pick up the sports section lying on the seat beside me. The stories all reference Nick’s turnaround performance yesterday. “No, she doesn’t want to kill you. She may be a little embarrassed, since the video of you two is being spotlighted on every local news station and on the recurring replay on SportCenter. She’s not used to seeing herself on TV. Not to mention the headlines in today’s paper.”

“I haven’t even picked up a paper today. What’s it say?”

I scan the stories and choose my favorite. “I quote ‘During a critical fourth quarter play, Nick Bennett looked around for a receiver, and when he saw an opening, he ran for it. His team held back the defense as he sailed into the end zone, effectively giving Miami the game-winning touchdown. But it was what happened after the play that left the nation with the burning question. Who is the woman he ran to?

There was no denying the love between them and speculation flew as they celebrated. With his name on Copyright 2016 - 2024