Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,119

her back and an enormous sparkling diamond, we were left to wonder if the bachelor quarterback was off the market.

When asked about this mystery woman, Nick responded with this remark:

That is my best friend and my inspiration. She’s been my rock for so long and overcome so many obstacles, especially recently. I can’t exactly explain it. I had the play in my head, but before the ball snapped, I looked over and saw her smiling at me, and I knew I had to make the touchdown. When it was done, I went to her. The best part of it all is she’s agreed to marry my brother so, in a way, this was for both of them.’ End quote.”

“Damn, I’m smooth.”

“You’re lucky is what you are. I should kill you. Brother or not, I’m still a jealous fucker. Fortunately, she made it up to me.”

“Fuck! You’ve got to stop that shit. I’ve accepted this, but I don’t need visuals.”

“Learn to keep your hands to yourself.”

“Where is Bizzy this morning?”

“I just left her at her apartment after we met with the packers. I had a driver come get me and bring me into the office, so she could have my car.”

“I’ll head over there in a while to see if she needs anything.”

“I’d appreciate that. Her mom is going, too, but I’d be more comfortable with you there.”

“Good, I’ll have both of them to tell me how awesome I am.”

I chuckle and start to respond, but my attention gets stuck on the sight in front of me. The driver stops in front of my building, and Sasha is leaning against the wall with her phone in her hand.


“What’s wrong?” Nick’s mood changes.

“Sasha is here.”

“It’s not even seven-thirty yet.”

“Which means my office is officially closed, so she’s waiting to ambush me.”

“What the fuck for?”

“Only one thing I can think of.”

“Son of a bitch! I didn’t even think about her. Shaw, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any problems.”

“Not your problem. I wasn’t going to hide it. Let me go handle this. Call you later.” I disconnect and thank my driver then grab my laptop.

She straightens and glares as I approach. Even with the distance, I can feel the anger radiating off of her.

“Good morning, Sasha.” I greet her coolly. “Twice in two days you have shown up to surprise me.”

“We need to talk.”

“Is the baby okay?” My eyes drop to her stomach.

“Yes, he’s fine.”

I thumb through my calendar and see nothing on my schedule for the day. “Did I miss something? There’s nothing on my calendar.”

“No, Ren, we don’t have anything planned today. I’m here to discuss something entirely different. Pretty sure you know what that is.”


“I’d really prefer privacy to the public sidewalk. Have some class,” she clips.

“Do you want to come up to my office?”

“Where your nosy secretary can see and hear everything? Absolutely not.”

“Well, why are you here?”

“Tonight after work, I’d like to meet.”


“Your place. I’ll be there by six.”

“My place isn’t an option unless you can be civil to Bizzy.”

Her eyes flare with raw hatred. “That’s never going to fucking happen.”

“How about a restaurant?”

“My place. Six. Don’t be late.”

“Is this really necessary, Sasha? You’re right here. I’m here. We can go into one of my conference rooms if you feel more comfortable. I don’t see the need to drag this out. Say what you came to say and let’s move on.”

“Move on?” She points a finger in my face, almost hissing. “You’ve embarrassed me for the last time. Tonight. Six o’clock.”

Without another word, she turns on her heel and stalks away, leaving the stench of her perfume in the air.

I text Bizzy on the way up to my office, briefly explaining the encounter, and telling her I’ll be home later than expected. I know she’ll want to discuss it, but with her mom at her apartment, it’s not the right time.

I breeze into my office, giving Gail a half wave as I pass. She’s on the phone and shakes her finger at me in a disapproving way, which is unusual considering she has no idea of my morning so far. My phone dings for the hundredth time, but I ignore it, knowing in about five minutes, I’ll be immersed in a shitload of work.

Once I remove my jacket and sit down, Gail rushes in with a stern look on her face.

“Are you ignoring your emails?”

“No, I’ve been busy. My morning went to shit about ten minutes ago. Sasha was downstairs waiting for me. I guess my ignoring Copyright 2016 - 2024