Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,117

“How do you do that? Thirty seconds ago, you were irritated beyond belief, and now, you’re standing here turning me on.”

“I didn’t like the worry and tension on your face, so I decided to relax you.”

“You’re being cocky.”

“You’re being beautiful. Now, let’s go. We’re going to the field. I got us three passes. I tried to get in the locker room, but it was impossible.”

“That’s why you were on the phone?”

“Yes, I need to get down there and talk Nick out of his head. I think it’ll help to see Mathis, too. You’re an added bonus.”

I smile, glad I decided to wear the newest jersey Nicky gave me for Christmas. But this one was modified. He had the letter ‘C’ stitched in front of the ‘Bennett’ at Shaw’s demand. “Let’s go.”

Shaw motions to Mathis, who is already on his feet waiting. On our way out the door, he tells his parents where we’ll be, and drags me behind him in a rush to get through the tunnel before Nicky gets back on the field. A staffer meets us at the restricted access entrance to hand us our passes and escort us to the field.

The atmosphere is electric when we get to the sidelines. The New Year’s celebration is in full swing, even with the poor performance. We watch the team come back through their tunnel, and Shaw guides us to a spot out of the way.

“Mathis, don’t take your eyes off her.” He points to me and gives his brother a strong glare. “I’ll be right back.”

“That was entirely unnecessary.” I think I mutter the words to myself until Mathis starts to chuckle.

“Get used to it. He’s very protective of you. Look at all these men around us. I’d be the same way.”

“That’s because you’re all barbarians! I’ve been on the field many times before. I can handle myself.”

He purses his lips and does a terrible job of trying to hide his amusement.

“What? What’s so funny?”

“I’m pretty sure, every time you’ve been on this field or any other, someone has kept an eye on you.”

“Barbarians, a band of barbarians!” I cross my arms and turn to find Shaw and Nicky.

They’re off to the side, and Shaw is talking directly in Nicky’s ear. The quarterback coach is with them, listening closely. After a few minutes, I see the side of Nicky’s mouth tip up, and he pats Shaw on the back. Shaw says something else, and Nicky’s head snaps to the side, his eyes landing on mine.

His grin grows into a smile, and he jogs over. The crowd above us starts to go wild, thinking they are headed to them. Mathis puts his hand on my lower back and guides me forward, so we aren’t so close to the raving fans.

“Hey!” He kisses me quickly on the cheek and slaps Mathis on the shoulder.

“You okay?” I search for signs of worry or tension.

“Yes, made some adjustments in the locker room. Went over some plays we’re more comfortable with the other receiver. It’ll get there. Shaw straightened me out, too.”

“Good, I’m ready to see you light up like last week.”

He puts on his helmet and gives me a wink full of arrogance. “Don’t worry, it’s coming.”

He jogs back to the team, and Shaw joins us again.

Whatever they did worked, because the second half is a totally different ball game. Nicky and his receivers are in sync and find their rhythm. Shaw and Mathis analyze every play as I join the crowd going wild, not taking my eyes off the field.

“What the fuck?” Shaw hisses, and I spin to see him staring at his phone.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sasha and her family showed up at our suite. Apparently, Claude got his own invite to a private suite, and they decided to stop by ours to watch the game. Dad sent me a text to warn us.”

Dread washes through me. She’s the last person on earth I want to see today.

“How does she know you’re even here?”

“I don’t know that she does. When I called her yesterday on the way back, I was vague about my plans. She never mentioned coming to the game.”

“Well, I’m staying here. She’s not going to ruin my day.”

“I agree, she’s not going to ruin mine either. I’ll go be polite then get rid of her.”

“I’m staying with Bizzy. I have no interest in seeing that woman or her family,” Mathis states with hatred.

“You have no choice. I wasn’t leaving her down here alone.” Shaw looks at his brother like he’s stupid.

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