Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,116

on my hand.

I stop in front of his Corporate Suite and step out of the way of the people walking by. “Listen, I’ve missed eight weeks of games. We promised we’d be here. It’s New Year’s Day, and our families are behind this door. Can you stop pouting long enough to have some fun?”

“I’m not pouting. I’m pissed. There’s a huge difference.”

“Well, get over it. For me?” I lift up on my toes, brush my lips across his, and turn to open the door.

“Surprise!” the crowd in front us screams, and Shaw tugs me into his body protectively.

Maria rushes over and hugs us. “Let her go! You’ve had her an entire week!”

He doesn’t listen to her and cradles me closer. My mom gets to us next, and somehow manages to wedge herself between Shaw and me. She kisses us both, pries my hand out of Shaw’s, and gasps loudly when she sees my ring.

Maria beams with pride and claps, looking at the two of us. I glance around to find the entire suite decorated with balloons and bottles of champagne chilling at the bar. There are trays and trays of elegantly displayed foods and desserts, including my favorite, chocolate covered strawberries. This is nothing like our normal Sunday suite with casual food and drinks.

It doesn’t take long to see why. Gail stands next to her husband with an enormous smile on her face. She orchestrated this.

The next half-hour is a blur as Shaw and I are swept into countless hugs and congratulations. My dad and Seth manage to get me away from Shaw’s side, and both embrace me a little longer than usual.

Glass after glass of champagne is served, and I learn this is a combination of a welcome home and engagement celebration. Maria makes sure to tell me the real engagement party will be when Nicky isn’t on the field, because he would kill her.

Mathis walks over and lifts me into his arms, spinning us in a circle as I squeal. When he lowers me, he plants a kiss on my forehead. “Congratulations, Biz. Although, why the hell you agreed to marry my brother is beyond me.”

“If we’re being honest, he didn’t really ask me.”

“Sounds exactly like him.”

“Sounds like who?” Shaw’s hands slide around my waist, and he gives a push to Mathis who is still hugging me.

Mathis stumbles a step back, and I try to hide my giggle.

“I was about to tell our sweet Bizzy that you must have brainwashed her to get her to marry you.”

Shaw doesn’t find this comical and lets out a throaty rumble.

Mathis and I burst into laughter as I drag Shaw away to find Gail. She and her husband hand Shaw and I a fresh glass of champagne when we get to them.

“Happy New Year, welcome home, and congratulations to both of you.” Gail raises her glass.

“You arranged this, didn’t you? It has your stamp all over it.” I wave around the room.

“I may have made some special requests once Maria confirmed you’d be here today.”

“It’s wonderful. Thank you.”

There’s a loud roar behind me as the team takes the field, and we all move to the seats.

The game is a lot closer than any of us are comfortable with, and Nicky’s star receiver gets hurt in the second quarter. By the time halftime comes, Nicky has thrown three interceptions and leaves the field without a word to any of the waiting reporters.

The mood in the box changes as we all worry about what this will do to Nick’s mental state in the second half. He’s had bad games all his life but never three interceptions in one quarter. He’s going to be pissed.

I make my way to the dessert table and try to eat a strawberry, but my nerves are shot. Shaw paces on the other side of the room on his phone, barking at someone. After a few seconds, he raises his head and gives me a smug grin then finishes his call, coming to me.

“There’s a little chocolate on your lip.” He leans down and licks along the corner of my mouth.

Even with all the anxiety, a shiver of desire runs through me. “Shaw—”

He cuts me off by placing another strawberry at my lips. “Take a bite.”

I do as he says and watch his eyes start to glow the honeyed hazel that makes my insides melt.

“We’re taking some of these home,” he says so low only I can hear.

I nod, in a trance with his seductive tone, the worry completely gone. Copyright 2016 - 2024