Hotshot - Ahren Sanders Page 0,115

Shaw asks, looking at his own watch.

“About thirty minutes of charts then a few quick goodbyes. I already talked to most of the staff.”

“Okay, I’m going to head downstairs where it’s more private. It’s time for me to call.”

“Good luck.” I lean in and give him a quick kiss.

“What’s that about?” Claire asks when he steps into the elevator.

“He tries to call Sasha every day around this time.”

“How’s that going?”

“Well, besides the fact that she texts him at least ten times a day and calls at random times with loads of personal questions, it’s been fine. We’re convinced she knows he’s with me, but he refuses to get into any arguments with her.”

“So, if she calls all day, why does he call her?”

“He’s keeping the peace. It’s his way of showing he’s thinking about the baby and wants to check in. She may call him all the time, but that doesn’t mean he answers. Most of the time, he drives the call to voicemail. Believe it or not, he’s been slammed with work, so he can honestly tell her he’s busy.”

“What a mess.”

“Yes, but he’s dealing. I’m dealing. We have about thirteen more weeks until the baby is due then comes a new round of challenges.”

“How are you feeling? And don’t hand me any bullshit.”

I glance around and notice a few nurses wandering around, but no one is within earshot. She comes around the desk and props against the counter, facing me. Her expression is full of concern as her eyes roam over my face.

“I’d be lying if I didn’t have some trepidation about what we’re facing when we get back to Miami, but I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. We’re going to have to find a way to move forward. I’ve known for a long time, staying with Shaw would mean mine and Sasha’s lives would be interconnected. There was some resentment on my part, but it’s gone now. The truth is the truth. I may despise her, but I love that little boy.”


“Yes, it’s hard to explain, but he’s a part of Shaw, and Shaw loves him, so I do, too. It’s hard not to. There’s no denying we’ll have to finesse this. She’s likely to go bat shit crazy, but my things are being moved to the condo next week. We’re getting married. We’re in love. She can’t change that, so we’ll have to find a way to come to terms.”

“How the hell are you so calm about this?”

“Because Shaw won’t let me discuss the fallout. He’s spoken to Caldwell and is ready to deal with whatever comes our way. He plans to continue all classes with her, attend all appointments, and participate in anything dealing with the baby. He’s even agreed to attend one baby shower with her family. All we hope is that she comes around when she finds out about our engagement. I’m not holding my breath, but he’s prepared.”

“How are you going to tell her?”

“I have no idea.” I shrug and look down at the ring on my finger. “It’s kinda hard to miss the ring.”

“No fucking doubt about that.” She chuckles.

“For the first time since this whole debacle started, I think it’s going to be okay. He’s going to take care of me, and I’m going to take care of him. Together, we’ll get through this, and in the end, we’ll have a beautiful baby boy to love.”

“I’m available for you, anytime you need me.”

“I know, and you’ll be home in two weeks.”

“Shaw does know that because you’re moving in with him doesn’t mean he gets you to himself, right?”

“He’s well aware of our rituals and is letting me decorate the guest room any way I want. You’ll have acceptable accommodations.” I wink at her.

A few nurses and techs crowd around the area, ending our conversation. Claire asks about their Christmas as I start my documentation. Since I’ve handed over almost everything to the permanent staff, there’s not much to do. When I’m done, I grab my bag from under the station and say my goodbyes again.

Claire and I walk to the elevator, and the earlier sadness starts to drain away. It was hard when I turned down the opportunity to stay and even harder to say goodbye. But my life is in Miami, and tomorrow I’ll be back home.

“It’s only five hours, Shaw.”

“I’m still not happy about it. If it wasn’t for Nick, we’d still be at home, watching this game on TV,” he grumbles, tightening his grip Copyright 2016 - 2024