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sole owner of my precious rooster collection.”

Bizzy gasps and looks at me, horrified, but I can’t help the howl that escapes. My dad, brothers, and I have given my mom some of the tackiest rooster trinkets for years to add to her beloved collection, each of us trying to outdo the other with the worst. She knows what we are doing but proudly displays them. Bizzy knows the joke, but when asked if she’d like them one day, she politely said yes because they mean so much to Mom.

Mathis, Nick, and Dad roar on their end, fueling my humor. To me, this is not a threat. It’s a relief.

“Maria! You wouldn’t!” Bizzy sputters, giving me the evil eye.

“Oh, yes, young lady. I am serious!”

“Mom, I’m gonna draw the line at upsetting my fiancée, because her face is turning red. But you have to know, that’s not much of a threat,” I tell her through my laughter.

“Crenshaw Bennett, Lizbeth loves my roosters. She appreciates the sentiment.”

Bizzy starts to chew on her lip, her shock disappearing and her own humor building.

“Okay, guys, Merry Christmas! We are hanging up… I’m going to enjoy my fiancée until she has to get up and go to work. Nicky, sorry we missed today, but we’ll try to be there next week.”

“Both your asses better be there. It’s the last game of the season before playoffs, and it’s New Year’s. I’d expect—” He starts to get riled up, but we don’t hear the rest because I hang up.

“That’s enough calls.” I lay us back and position her close then top off our drinks and put the bottle on the floor.

“What about Claire?”

I know she wants to share with her best friend, but I’m too greedy to share her anymore. Tomorrow, life goes back to reality, so I take out my phone and snap a picture of her ring, sending it to Claire. Less than a minute later, we get a response with a picture of her wrist and the Rolex.

I smile, and Bizzy leans into me, sipping her champagne.

“I still feel bad your present is in Miami.” She cuddles closer.

“I told you, you are my present.”

“I can’t believe this is us.” She moves so she can gaze between the tree and me. “But I think after we drink this champagne, there’s still some making up to do.”

“Gladly.” My dick starts to stir.

I’m ready, she’s willing, and I have a lifetime of fuckups to make up for. Luckily for me, she’s willing to forgive.

Chapter 30


I hold back tears as I give my last patient a hug and rub my hand over her bandana-covered head. She squeezes me tight and cries silently into my chest.

I let her cry as I whisper reassuring words, making her promise to email me and keep me updated on her life. It’s the same thing I’ve told all the patients, making sure they had my personal email address.

Once she’s calm, I squeeze her once more and head to the nurse’s station where Shaw is waiting for me. When I see who he’s talking to, I give a little squeal. Claire turns around and smiles, reaching out her arms.

I rush to them and throw myself at her. “What are you doing here? I thought I was picking you up at the airport later tonight?”

“Your fiancé helped me get in early, so we could have more time together before you leave tomorrow.”

I move to him and kiss his cheek. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” He takes my hand and slips my engagement ring on, kissing my finger.

“Holy Shit! Let me see that!” Claire semi-whispers and yanks my hand to her face. “The picture didn’t do it justice. This is incredible.”

“Thank you.” Heat creeps up my neck.

“Shit, Shaw, this is a bit much, don’t you think? She’s a nurse and can’t wear this at work.”

“Nothing is too much. And I’ll be sure to pick out a band she can wear to work.”

“Not quite so ostentatious?”

“Claire!” I snap at her.

“I didn’t say that. It’s going to send a message that she is taken, but it’ll be appropriate for work.” Shaw flashes a cocky grin and wiggles his eyebrows.

“You two are ridiculous!” I tug my hand back from her and go behind the desk to work on my charts. “Especially coming from a woman who got a fancy new watch.”

She leans over the desk and shoves her wrist in my face. It really is beautiful. Gail did an amazing job. “I love it,” I tell her honestly.

“How much longer do you have?” Copyright 2016 - 2024