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without his permission, I was coming home with Bizzy as my fiancée. When he realized this, he laughed at me and called me a cocky asshole then threatened my life if she ever hurt again.

It was an understanding, and I took it as a challenge.

“I’m not sure, Mom, we need to talk to talk to Maria and see. Shaw’s got a boatload of clients and friends. We have a lot to work out, but I’ll be home in a week.”

I see where this is going, so I take the phone from her hand and press the speaker button.

“Rory, you’re on speaker. Anything you and Bizzy decide, big or small, but whatever you do, it needs to be quick. I don’t want a long engagement. She’s moving in with me the second we get back to Miami, you two can plan it.”

Bizzy smiles wide and wiggles in my lap.

“Okay, I’ll wait until you get back, but do you think I can call Maria?” Excitement bubbles in her voice.

“Give us half an hour. We need to call my family, then you can go for it.”

“I can do that.”

“Mom, don’t go crazy here. Remember, we have playoff games, and the baby is due in early April. Logically, we should shoot for summer.” Bizzy snuggles into me.

No one skips a beat at the mention of my son. He’s going to be one lucky son of a gun… all this love.

We say our goodbyes, and I settle her deeper into my lap and kiss along her forehead.

“I need to call Claire,” she mutters.

“My family is on pins and needles… they knew this was coming. They’re first.”

“I’d like to tell Nicky myself, if that’s okay.”

“Go for it.” I hand her the phone and wait, knowing my brother has known this for months.

She dials and waits, then I hear him answer.

“Merry Christmas, Nicky.”

His response is muffled, but she lowers her eyes and I start to get nervous.

“Yes, he showed up. I didn’t kick him out. But I have something to tell you.” She pauses and takes a deep breath before she starts talking again. “Remember when we got drunk in college and swore we’d always be each other’s family, no matter what?”

I go still, hearing this for the first time.

“I wanted to be the first to tell you, we are going to be family. Shaw and I are getting married.”

She holds her breath. I hold my own, waiting for his response.

There’s a soft whisper as tears start to build in her eyes, and then a loud whoop, causing her to jump in my lap. She starts to laugh, her whole body shaking as she sniffs and wipes her eyes, looking at me.

“Yes, he’s here. You can put us on speakerphone. I wanted to tell you first.”

There’s a pause, and she looks at me with a small smile.

“I love you too, Nicky.”

I return her smile and feel a slow burn. The next ten minutes are filled with lots of congratulations and cheers as my family celebrates in Miami. At one point, Bizzy gets up and comes back from the kitchen with champagne and two glasses. We all toast from almost a thousand miles away, and the celebration continues. Bizzy grills Mom about the gift exchange last night and gets quiet as Mom tells her about the children that asked about her. I watch the sadness starting on her face and insist we change the conversation.

“Nicky, great game today,” I interrupt, completely changing the subject.

“Fire! I was on FIRE!”

“We know.” Bizzy pours us more champagne. “We saw.”

That’s the only time we weren’t tangled together. I argued when Bizzy turned on the TV, but she silenced me with her mouth then forced me to watch Nick dominate the field. I tried several times to turn it off and resume our personal celebration, but it was useless. I learned she can be persuasive, too, and fortunately, I benefited.

“Can we not blow up his head more than we already have?” Mathis grunts. “He’s about to sink the house with his ego.”

“I agree,” Dad says, and Bizzy starts to giggle.

“I miss you all,” Bizzy tells them, clinking her glass to mine. “But we’ll be home soon.”

“Bizzy…” My mom’s voice grows serious, and we both freeze mid-sip. “I’ll accept you’ve been through a lot. I’ll even give you leeway because of the situation, but if you go another long period of time without calling me and giving me my ‘Bizzy Time’, I’ll cut you out of my will. You’ll no longer be the Copyright 2016 - 2024