A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,82

"Nowhere. You're in recovery right now. How are you doing? Are you in pain?"

Brock blinked at her. He should probably be able to answer that, but for the life of him he wasn't following the dots. She walked up the side of the bed. "The doctor will be in shortly. In the meantime, are you in pain?"

Brock shook his head, for no other reason than that was what he assumed she wanted him to do.

"Good. There are a lot of people waiting to see you." She futzed with the tubing attached to him. "I'll go let the doc know you're awake. We'll be transferring you to a room after you wake up a bit more."

Brock nodded and then closed his eyes.

"Detective King?"

Brock roused. Damn, there was a different nurse now, he rolled his head... and his doctor. Surgery. Right. He cleared his throat. "How's my arm?"

The doctor smiled. "You'll be fine. A few weeks recovery and a PT stint is in your future, but you shouldn't have any lingering problems. It was a textbook extraction."


"We're going to transfer you to your room soon, but there is quite a crowd waiting. Hospital policy will limit your visitors while you’re here in recovery. I can authorize up to two." The doctor tapped the keys on the computer at the foot of the bed. "Is there someone special you want back here?"

Brock chuckled. "My partner, Kallie Redman, and you better let my parents in or there will be hell to pay."

The doc chuckled. "That's three, but I heard your father is the police commissioner, wouldn't want to make an enemy."

"Yeah, but let me tell you, he's a marshmallow compared to my mother. That is one person you do not want to piss off." Brock rolled his eyes so hard his brain hurt.

Both the doc and the nurse laughed.

"Go ahead, laugh. I'm telling you the woman looks meek and mild mannered, but it's an illusion. You've never had her guilt cannon leveled at you."

"Sorry to tell you this, but most moms are that way. I'll go get them." The nurse's laughter followed her from the curtained off area.

"I can go straight back to desk duty, right?" There were so many questions that needed to be answered about the case, his mind was already churning. What the fuck did Masters have to do with Treyson?

"Home for at least three days, then limited duty," the doctor answered, although his attention was fixed on the computer screen.

He could hear his mom talking to the nurse. "Really, dear, I think since he's been out of surgery for almost an hour, we could have been brought back sooner. Are you a mom? No? Well, you'd understand if you were a mother. No matter how old they get, a mother's heart will forever be with her children."

The doctor glanced at him and chuckled. Brock pointed a finger at the opening in the curtain and mouthed, 'guilt cannon.'

His father pushed the curtain wider and ushered in his mother and Kallie. Kallie slid to the side and shoved her hands into her hoodie as if she didn't know exactly what to do. His mom and dad moved toward his bed.

"You look pale. He looks pale. Is he supposed to be this pale?" His mother pushed his hair from his face and stared at the doctor, waiting for a response.

"He's the picture of health considering he's just undergone general anesthesia and surgery. His color will return. I'm happy to say everything went exactly as anticipated, and he'll be back at work with minimal down time."

"Good. Honey, you can come stay with us while you get back on your feet."

Brock blinked and shifted his worried glance toward his father. "Dad..."

"Now, Hannah, I'm sure Kallie will be able to watch over Brock. He's a grown man and doesn't need his mother to... hover."

"Hover?" Hannah straightened and glanced from him to his father. "Chauncey King, I do not hover."

"Yes, dear. Of course not." Chauncey gave her the smile he reserved only for her.

Brock took the opportunity to glance at Kallie. He mouthed, “I’m sorry." She smiled and looked down, trying to hide her amusement.

Brock took advantage of the rare moment of silence and jumped in. "Mom, I'm fine, really. Dad, what's happening with the case?"

"Oh, are we really doing this now?" his mom grumped and put her hands on her hips.

"Mom, I have to know what is going on." Brock wasn't going to let his mother derail him this time.

"Fine, I'll tell everyone you're doing well,

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