A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,81

grudge? How does Masters just show up and kill Samuel Treyson?"

The Commissioner handed Brody his soda back and unbuttoned his suit jacket, leaning forward. "I called in a favor." He glanced at Kallie before he looked at Brock. "Guardian was able to trace the shell company to an umbrella organization that has a whisper of ties to the Fuentes Cartel. They can't confirm it… yet."

"Drugs?" Brody ran his hand through his hair and cussed under his breath.

His father nodded. The air crackled with tension. "Okay, so we can assume they aren't foot soldiers." Brody exhaled and shook his head. "This is a hell of a leap, but do we know if Treyson and Masters had ties to import/export companies?"

"Treyson Logistics is a global company," Kallie said and thumbed through her notebook. "I listed the companies that Samuel oversaw somewhere. Yep. Treyson Logistics. Global. He also was on the board for Treyson Shipping & Storage, and Treyson Parcel Delivery."

"But this information... is it admissible?" Brody glanced between his father and her.

Hell, she had no idea, but anything from Guardian was credible. That much she did know.

"I have initiated the paperwork. When the DA signs off on it, we can move forward with an official request. At that time, it will be actionable. Right now, we are gathering facts and starting to plan. Your team and probably several federal entities will be involved in the follow up of this mess," the Commissioner said to Brody.

"Yeah, I assumed."

Chauncey King stood. She and Brody did the same. The Commissioner then turned to her. "You and my son Brock are the rock stars that broke this case open. It was a powder keg and you handled it exceptionally well. Davidson has told me he plans on putting both of you in for Service Commendation Medals."

"We were just following the evidence, sir."

"Which could have ended in a wall of lawyers and no answers. Instead you two used the law to build a solid case. Well done."

"Thank you." She could feel her face heat at the compliment.

"Now on to other business. I understand you and my son are an item?"

"An item, Dad? What are we, stuck in the fifties?" Brody ducked the swat his father sent his direction.

"Whatever, boy, I will end you." Chauncy laughed when his son started bouncing on his feet and tucked his fists up like he was a boxer. "Such a scrapper." He turned his attention to Kallie. "The paperwork has been filed with HR, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. We do things by the rules, no exceptions." He turned to open the door. "Welcome to the insanity, Kallie. I wish you luck, but I have a feeling my wife has plans for you."

"I've been warned, sir."

"Ah… good. She means well, but she..."

"Has zero boundaries." Brody tossed his capped, half-empty soda bottle in the air and caught it.

"What he said." Chauncy winked at her and left the room.

Kallie sat on the chair and rifled through the information the Commissioner had just dropped their doorstep. "This is going to be a mess for you and your team."

"We're used to messes. I'm going to find a place with reception and privacy and give my Lieutenant and Captain a heads-up call."

Kallie nodded. "I'll go tread where angels fear." She nodded at the small waiting room where people now overflowed into the hall. She started down the hall following the Commissioner but stopped when Brody called to her.

"You and Brock? You make sense."

"Is that you giving us your blessing?"

"Fuck, no. I’m not that type. It’s just me saying I can see why he likes you. Got any sisters?"

"Nope. Only child."

"Ain't that just my luck." Brody chuckled, spun on the heel of his biker boot, and headed down the hall.

Kallie smiled and glanced at the waiting room. Being close to Brock King meant she was taking a plunge into a world that involved family. She heard a roll of laughter come from the waiting room. All things considered, that was okay.


Waking up after surgery sucked. Yeah, he was pro at it, but damn it, the disorientation followed by the drugged laced 'you know something’s not right, but you can't remember what the fuck it is' confusion blew. Brock blinked, trying to get his eyes to stay open. He watched the nurse at the foot of his bed. She was busy tapping at the computer on the rolling table.

He shifted. "Fuck." Note to self. Use the other arm.

"Ah, you're with us again."

What? "Where did I go?"

The woman laughed and shook her head.

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