A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,80

the vending machines.

"It's good to have a support system." Her mind flitted back to when she was in the hospital in Houston. She’d never had one.

"True, although the nurses are threatening to call the riot squad if anyone else shows up."

Kallie chuckled at his comment and leaned back against the wall, too.

“Tell me you guys have put a pin in this case."

Kallie nodded. "Yeah, Lieutenant Davidson is on it. I'm not sure what is happening right now, although I do know we have Masters on video killing Treyson."

Brody reached in his pocket and produced a crumpled five-dollar bill. He pointed at the soda machine. He inserted the money and hit a button dispensing a large plastic bottle. "Want one?"

"God, yes. I need the sugar." He handed the one in his hand to her and hit the button again.

"You want it for the sugar? I’m all about the caffeine.”

“That too,” she agreed.

“Who the fuck is this guy, Masters? How does he fit?"

"That's just it. He doesn't fit. He wasn't even a blip on our map." She took a long drink of the soda and sighed. She glanced at her watch. Damn, four hours since they loaded into the ambulance. What the fuck was happening? She glanced at her phone again. There hadn't been a message from Davidson, Bettis, or Hansen, in over three hours. Her phone vibrated and she snapped it up. Damn it. Just Rich and his hatred. She pocketed her phone and sighed. Something was brewing. She could feel it.

"He was a lawyer?"

"Yeah, from what I've found on his company's web page, he was a founding partner at Langley, Shaw and Masters. We had brief contact with him when we questioned Miriam Treyson. He was a blustering blowhard, but she sat on him." She shook her head and stared at the floor trying to remember every detail of their interaction with the man. There was nothing of note. Nothing.

"Was he a family lawyer? I'm sorry, I know it isn't my case, I'm just..." Brody blew a lungful of air and let the comment hang.

"It's okay, and honestly, I dunno." She shrugged. "And no one has messaged me in a hot minute. I'm just as frustrated as you."

"Perhaps I can help with that." A deep voice carried from down the hall. Brody straightened off the wall, strode the short distance between them, and hugged the man who'd spoken. Kallie stood up and watched the exchange. A few mumbled words passed between them before the men separated. "Detective Redman?"

Oh, this was the Commissioner. Brock and Brody's father. The man extended his hand. "I'm Chauncy King."

She took the hand offered. "Sir." She nodded.

"Is there someplace we can… oh, here." The Commissioner pointed to a small room across the hall. Both she and Brody stepped into what looked like a doctor's lounge and the Commissioner shut the door behind them. In the small space, the King men seemed to fill the room.

"How is he?" The Commissioner's voice reminded her of Brock's.

Brody answered, "Still in surgery. The medical team said there was a trauma that put his case on a slight hold. They started about thirty minutes ago." Brody flipped a plastic chair away from the table and slid it toward her. He did the same for his father and then dropped into one himself. "What's up, Pop?"

"A lot of information has come to light since we got a warrant and started following not only Masters' financials, but Samuel Treyson's."

Kallie leaned forward. "What have you found?"

"Unexplained deposits from the same shell company to both men's bank accounts. Random dates and times, but the deposits occurred on the same day and within minutes in both accounts."

"How much money are we talking?"

"Millions." The Commissioner took his son's soda and drank half.

"I thought you were supposed to be off sugar and caffeine."

The man winked at his son. "As far as your mother knows, I am."

Kallie shook her head. Two and two were not equaling four in this situation. "Wait, Treyson is rich..."

"No, he wasn't. Seems the heir apparent had run through his trust fund and even though he was functioning as the head of Treyson Enterprises, his father held the purse strings. Every time he needed money, he had to go to daddy. We can see deposits scattered erratically, usually before a big expenditure."

Kallie nodded. "That fits Sebastian's hallmark. He's a control freak. If he had a way to control his son, he'd use it."

Brody nodded and turned to his father. "So, what's the game here? A

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