A Hope City Duet - Kris Michaels Page 0,83

although you're a bit pale. And thin. Kallie you need to take care of that. He doesn't eat well. I'm not pleased it took so long to get back here." She glared at the doctor before she dropped a kiss on his head. The doctor opened the curtain for her and departed when she did, leaving the three of them behind the curtain.

"This isn't the most secure location." His father glanced at the curtain walls.

"Then whisper, but damn, Dad, don’t leave me hanging." Brock needed to know what was going on. He also wanted to offer his hand to Kallie, but unfortunately, he remembered her boundaries initiative. He was pretty certain talking about the case with his father fell somewhere in that work-slash-professional realm she mentioned. He could plead drug induced memory loss, but he wanted to be what she needed.

His father glanced around and grabbed a small plastic chair. After taking a seat he leaned forward and in a low, concise, manner brought Brock up to speed. Brock used his uninjured arm to rub his face. “Masters and Treyson are being paid by the Dominican Cartel.”

His father nodded his head. “That’s what it looks like. We have hoops to jump through before that information becomes official, but if Guardian is certain, I’ll take it as gospel.”

“Has Masters said anything? How did he get a fucking gun into the building?”

Kallie left her post by the curtain and moved closer.

“Masters has invoked his right to an attorney. He hasn’t said a word. As far as how he got a gun into the building…” His father glanced at the curtain surrounding them. “We knew we had rats who’d found holes to hide. Seems Masters knew where to look. The sergeant working the floor stepped away to break up an altercation and one of the patrolmen in the lobby took Masters through. It’s all on film. The patrolman was one of the few that Internal Affairs couldn’t bring charges against in the East Side riots.”

Brock sighed and dropped his head to the pillow. “What was he going to do? Kill Cynthia? I don’t understand the concept of bringing a gun into a secure area.”

“Desperation can make you do almost anything.” Kallie spoke for the first time since they’d walked into the room.

“True.” His father nodded and leaned back in his chair. “It also makes strange bed partners.”

“Oh no, don’t fucking tell me you’re going to let the DA flip Masters. I mean I know it is the right thing to do, but damn it, Pops, he’ll be getting away with murder. Literally.”

His father shrugged. “It will further the investigation. The DA is very interested in getting Masters into Wit-Sec. But, he’ll have to play ball, and I don’t know if he’ll go for it. Sebastian Treyson is pulling favors right and left trying to block the DA’s intent, which has Larry fit to be tied. He has rats in his organization, too.”

“Masters’ll go for a plea bargain. The murder charge and attempted murder charge are slam dunks.” Kallie said the words he was thinking.

“The motherfucker killed Samuel Treyson in cold blood and then torched the warehouse to try to cover his tracks. The fucker would have succeeded if Dawson hadn’t talked to us.”

Kallie grasped the silver rail of his bed. “The receipts to the cleaner, the tie in between Dawson and Samuel, and Cynthia’s greed paved a perfect set up for Masters, except Cynthia wasn’t a push over. I think Cynthia called Masters and threatened to out him. That’s why he needed to get to her and to silence her.”

“Wait, how did Samuel get the perc on his face?” He was still fuzzy, but fuck him, he needed to know what was happening.

Kallie filled in the blanks for him. “From the initial report I got from Davidson, she admitted to slapping him and telling him she was going to have Dawson beaten. That’s when she said Sam dropped to his knees. To beg her not to hurt Dawson. She said she took his car keys and the cash from his wallet when he offered it to her and then left him still on his knees, thought better of it, and circled back. She saw Masters with a knife. She said the men were talking, Samuel started to get up, and Masters slit his throat. She’d videoed the entire thing.”

His father stood up and stretched his back as he spoke. “If he takes the deal, we’ll have all the answers, if not, well, we

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