Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,82

out of me, filling his tight ass up and marking him as mine. I’ll never get tired of the way that feels. Gently, I slide out and slap his hard ass.

“Your turn.”

“I want to go lie down,” he murmurs.

My body grows cold at his words, but I talk myself through my worries like Daniel taught me. It’s usually in my head. My fears and stress. Just because someone is quiet or frustrated, doesn’t mean I’m always at the root of it. So rather than obsessing, I also clean myself off. We dry off and then I follow him into the bedroom. He sets the bottle of lube on the end table and then climbs onto the bed. His features are stony, his body tense.

“Are we going to sleep?” I ask, needing him to offer me a branch so I know I’m not sinking alone over here. “Should I turn off all the lights and lock up?”

His expression softens. “Not yet, babe. I haven’t been inside you yet.”

“Okay,” I mutter, exhaling a relieved breath.

“Grab the lube,” he orders. “I want you right here where I can kiss you.”

All anxiety floods away and desire creeps back in. “Bossy.”

“We all know who the bossy one in the bedroom is,” he says, rolling his eyes. “And it’s not me.”

I smirk as I hand him the lube and climb onto the bed to straddle his thighs. “I can’t help it.”

“When we started this, I thought I was in charge around here.”

“We all make mistakes,” I tease. “That was your first one.”

He laughs as he lubricates his beautiful dick. “Rub your asshole on my cock, porcelain boy. I’m ready to fuck you.”

I rock my hips along his shaft, loving the way he hisses in pleasure. When I’m good and slick, I lean forward to seek out his mouth. He positions his dick against my hole and I slide down, taking every hard inch of him. His mouth is ravenous as he kisses me like I might disappear any moment. We kiss hard and frantic as he fucks me from below. He breathes heavily against my mouth, his strong hands squeezing my ass cheeks.

“Fuck, Hollis,” he groans. “I love you too.”

His words catch me off guard. All I can do is kiss him with everything I have. It doesn’t take much more thrusting and then he’s coming deep inside me. His energy is depleted and he relaxes, gazing up at me with a lazy, sated smile.

He’s the sexiest man I’ve ever seen.


He’s mine.

“Move in with me, rat.”

“Most people don’t invite rats in. You’re confused,” I tease.

He smacks my ass. “I’m not confused. I’m in love. Say you’ll do it.”

“Yeah, rat lover, I’ll do it. I’ll move in with you. But only because you’re obsessed with me.”

“I’m not obsessed,” he grumbles.

“You so are. Ask literally anyone.”

“And what about you?”

I grin and press a kiss to his lips. “I have been since the second I laid eyes on you.”

He flashes me that arrogant smile of his that makes me want to flip him over and fuck it right off his face. This beautiful, mean, obnoxious boy consumes me. Owns my heart. Makes me crazy as hell.

I love him so goddamn much.

“No necking at the dinner table,” Mike bellows as he passes me the salad bowl.

“Necking,” Roan says with a snort. “You’re showing your age there, old man.”

Aunt Karen laughs. “Necking does date you.” Then, she turns her faux fierce scowl my way. “Seriously, don’t do that at my dinner table.”

Charlotte pretends to gag herself. Roux giggles. Penny doesn’t look up from her iPad. Typical family dinner night. The table just keeps growing with people. Especially now that Mike has starting seeing Mom. I’m not so sure I’m in love with the idea, but he treats her a helluva lot better than Dad ever did, even on their best days. Mike treats her like a beautiful woman he wants to impress and spoil. Mom eats up every second of it.

“How are Cal and Terrence doing?” Aunt Karen asks Roan. “I haven’t heard from them in a while. I know you guys were close.”

Roan flinches slightly and I know it’s because she doesn’t ask about Jordy. There’s not much to learn. He’s in prison. Will be there for a long time. It hurts less not to talk about it, I guess.

“They both went to OSU,” he tells her. “Corvallis never knew what hit ’em.”

“I feel sorry for the dean,” Aunt Karen agrees. “They’re probably terrorizing that town.”

“They’ve changed the name from

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