Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,83

Campfire Chaos to Corvallis Chaos,” Roan says with a laugh. “They’ve recruited a bunch of kids to party it up every Friday night like old times.”

“Damn Hoodlums,” I joke, nudging Roan with my shoulder.

He flashes me a hot smile that burns its way straight to my dick. “You love us.”

“Just you.”

“It’s not fair, Mom,” Charlotte whines. “I can’t have a boyfriend, but Hollis can make out with Roan every time we have a meal.”

“This would be making out,” I taunt, pulling him to me for a sloppy kiss.

“Hollis!” Mom scolds. She’s smiling, though. Always smiling these days. The real kind of smile.

“Sorry,” I say, though I’m not.

She winks at me.

Dinner goes on with lots of laughter, arguments, and general silliness. Just another family dinner for the books. While the girls get stuck cleaning the kitchen while Mike and Mom “neck” their goodbyes outside on the porch, I take Roan up to my old room. It’s been converted back into Aunt Karen’s office. I’ve been officially moved out for less than a week, and she’s already put everything back in its place.

It doesn’t matter, though.

I just need a wall, some darkness, and Roan.

As soon as I push him against said wall and flip the switch off, our mouths meet for a kiss. His smile can be felt against my lips and I love it. I’ll never tire of kissing him. Of teasing and taunting him. Of loving him.

“Someone’s needy tonight,” he teases.

I nip at his bottom lip. “Not needy. Just grateful.”

“Grateful, huh? For what?”


“Me in general or a specific part of me?” He punctuates his words with a thrust of his hips so I can feel his dick through his jeans.

“All of it. Your dick. Your annoying cocky ass. Your big fucking heart.”

“Wow, rat, you should put that shit on a Hallmark card. We could be rich.”

“Nah, it’s all for you, rat lover. Pure poetry just for you.”

“So romantic.”

I grab at his belt buckle. “I can show you how else I can be romantic.”

“With a blowjob in your aunt’s office? Oh, my heart.”

“You’re a smartass,” I grumble.

“Your smartass.”

“Yeah, yeah. I guess I’ll keep you.”

He kisses me and I feel that sexy smile again. “I guess I’ll keep you too.”


Seventeen Years Old

What’s taking her so long?

I check my phone for any missed calls or texts but come up empty. Char was supposed to get here early so she could help me with my makeup. Early and Charlotte don’t belong in the same sentence, though. She’s late for everything.

Of all days for her to be late, this one is the worst.

Kayden is coming over.

I cringe knowing he’ll see regular me. Not the me when Char works her makeup and hair magic on me. Ughhhh.

I’m especially nervous about today because it’ll be just the three of us. No parents. No overbearing brothers.

Speaking of overbearing brothers, I can’t help but smile. They may drive me nuts, but Hollis and Roan are total couples’ goals. Who knew a gay wedding could be so freaking cute? I thought Roan would throw a fit and not let Hollis get his way, but something about Hollis has always gotten to my brother. He gives in to his happiness. After all the hell my brother has dealt with in his life, he deserves to be happy. He deserves Hollis. He deserves to be at the beach right now with his new husband on an adorable honeymoon.

I sigh dreamily.

One day I’ll get married to someone awesome like Hollis.

Kayden is awesome.

Oh my God and freaking hot, too.

Like the hottest guy in our school.

I keep waiting for Char to tell me she’s suddenly in love with him. She’s not interested, though. This week she’s dating Ryan Cunningham. Who knows who it’ll be next week.

Crunch of tires on gravel has me rushing over to the window. I frown when I see it’s just the mailman. Deciding to kill some time, I prance down the stairs and meet him at the box. He hands me the stack of mail and I sit down on the bottom step to go through it all.

I flip through some bills before finding an envelope from my dad. Eagerly, I rip through the envelope and smile at the silly card. It has Elsa from Frozen on the front. He started writing to me not long after Jordy went to prison. I think Dad thinks I’m still the little girl he left all those years ago. I’m not bothered by the fact he sends me childish cards. It’s the thought that

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