Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,81

those finer teaching moments.”

I pull away to kiss his mouth. “Did you learn lots?”

“To keep my mouth shut when he’s on one of his tirades,” he says with a snort. “Otherwise, you earn toilet duty at the station.”


“Hey, I know Mike better than anyone. My lips were sealed. Now Frank, on the other hand…”

“Poor Frank.”

“April didn’t feel sorry for him when we got back. She said most of the piss is his anyway because his aim sucks.”

We both laugh.

“You need a shower. Want me to make something to eat?”

“You could shower with me,” he says with a sly grin. “Then I could eat you.”

I grab his ass and squeeze. “You’re bad.”

“Only sometimes.”

“Mostly always.”

“How was class tonight?”

“Meh,” I grumble. “My professor is an idiot. I hate English.”

“Man, sucks to be you. Your last name is English and you hate English.”

I shrug as I pull away. “You could always fix that.”

“You can’t con me into a proposal, rat. I’m on to your sneaky games.”

“Dude, you literally asked me to check the drain last night in the shower so you could sneak attack me from behind. If anyone plays games, rat lover, it’s you.”

He smirks at me and starts shedding clothes on the way to the bathroom. “You like my games.”

“That’s debatable.”

“Get naked, Hollis. I’m dying to fuck you in the shower.”

I rip off my shirt and saunter into the bathroom after him. His eyes drag down to my scars on my stomach. I don’t disgust him, though. He seems relieved each time he sees them.

“Maybe I’d rather suck your dick,” I say with a wicked grin.

He turns on the water, bending his white ass over. I don’t miss the opportunity. Pouncing on him, I rub against him from behind.

“Or, I could just fuck you instead.”

He straightens and leans against my chest. My hands roam over his naked torso that’s all too ripped these days now that he’s volunteering at the fire station on nights and weekends and slinging tires at the factory during the day. All that physical labor has left him cut as fuck, and me reaping the benefits.

“Mmm,” I murmur, nipping at his ear. “Someone likes that idea.” I grip his cock and stroke him in a teasing way that makes him groan.

“You play dirty,” he complains.

I laugh when he shakes me off and steps into the shower. I finish shedding the rest of my clothes before joining him. We focus on cleaning each other and then our mouths fuse together. I’m always so relieved when he gets back from a fire.

“Did you take your medicine?” he asks, sensing my mood.


“Good boy.”


After my stomach healed, I began seeing a therapist. He’s helping me through the shit with my dad. We’re nowhere close to being friends, but we are talking. Dad has apologized to me, but it’s not enough. So, we talk on the phone and just try to regain our footing. I’ve learned since seeing my therapist, Daniel, that I’ve been suffering from anxiety. I take an anti-anxiety medication each day that helps me not obsess over things. It’s nice to feel in control of my feelings and my stomach not eat itself away anymore.

“Touch your dick, Roan. I want you to jerk off, imagining you’re inside my tight ass,” I croon, kissing his shoulder.

“Goddamn you and your dirty ass talk that turns me on every time.”

I bite back a laugh as he starts stroking his dick. Reaching down to the bottle of lube we keep in here when Roux’s not around, I pop the cap and pour some onto my dick. I smear it all over my cock and then use the excess to finger his needy hole. When he’s good and prepped, I grip his hip and push into him from behind. We groan in unison.

“Fuck,” he hisses. “You kill me.”

I nip at his shoulder. “You like it.”

“Nah, I love it, Hollis.”

“And I love you, Roan.”

He stiffens and grows quiet. I’d normally have a spike of anxiety, worrying over his response, but I don’t. Sure, it’s the first time either of us have spoken this sentiment, but I won’t regret it, even if he doesn’t feel that same way about me yet. I do love him. I have for probably as long as I can remember. His ass pushes against me, his silent tell for me to fuck him harder. I dig my fingers into his hip and thrust wildly into him.

God, he feels so fucking amazing.

I fuck him until I’m crying out his name. My cum bursts

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