Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,58

forget you have a job helping your brother with cars at his shop. My cars. They’re piling up, which means I can’t sell that shit. You know what happens when I don’t sell that shit?” He sneers at Jordy. “I don’t make money. The way I see it, you’re keeping me from getting paid. Want to explain to me why you’ve got beef with me, kid?”

“I’ll help him,” I blurt out. “Get caught up.”

“Hey,” one of Renaldo’s friends says. “Aren’t you that fucker who beat the shit out of my homie?”

I freeze, turning my attention on the guy. I’ve seen him plenty of times before at the apartment. He runs in Alejandro’s crew. Fuck.

“You’re a goddamn idiot if you think we’re rehiring you,” Jordy sneers my way, ignoring the guy. “You fucked everything up. Terrence will help me. We’ll get your shit caught up, Renaldo.”

“Yep,” Terrence agrees, though I don’t know he realizes exactly what he’s agreeing to.

Jordy shoots me a fiery glare that tells me to back the fuck away now. I refuse to leave him, but I keep my mouth shut.

“Good,” Renaldo says. “Very good. See you tomorrow.”

They all turn to leave except Alejandro’s friend. I glower at him, warning him with my hate-filled stare to leave before I bust him in his fucking teeth. He spits in the snow before leaving without another word.

As soon as the vehicle is gone, kids start laughing and cutting up again, no longer interested in what the Hoodlums are up to. I can tell Hollis is worried, but he stays back with his friends.

“You,” Jordy snarls. “In the cabin with me. Right the fuck now.”

Feeling like a scolded child, I follow him inside. As soon as the door slams shut behind me, he rages.

“What the fuck were you thinking?” he bellows. “I need you to stay the fuck away so you don’t get involved!”

I shove him. “You’re my best goddamn friend. If you’re into shit, I’m there with you.”

“No,” he snaps, gripping my coat and slamming me into the wall. “You don’t get to because you have a motherfucking job. Roux. Don’t ever forget.”

All the fire is snuffed out as I take in his words.

He’s right.

I was so careless.

“I didn’t think,” I mutter. “I just…I didn’t like how he was talking to you. I wanted to help you.”

“You will help me,” he says in a softer tone, “if you and Roux just stay out of it.”

“That guy was Alejandro’s friend.”

He releases me and scowls. “I know. I’ll take care of it.”

“How? He knows we’re friends.”

“I’m good at what I do for them. Renaldo likes me, hence the fucking visit. If Franco starts sniffing around, I’ll say something to Renaldo to get him to back off.”

“What if he doesn’t back off?”

“He will.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“I’ll fucking make him.”

It’s cold as fuck, but now that Hollis has joined me in my sleeping bag, I’m quickly warming up. Rather than let me fuck his brains out, he runs his thumb along my bottom lip. I can’t see him in the dark, but I can feel his frown.

“What?” I grumble.

“Is everything okay?”

“I’m just worried about Jordy. He’s gotten himself into some messy shit.”

His lips brush against mine. “He seemed hell-bent on keeping you away from it.”

“If I want to protect Roux, then I need to.”


“But I hate leaving Jordy to deal with it alone.”

“He has Terrence.”

“Terrence’s mouthy ass will get himself shot.”

I’m no longer interested in talking about stressful shit. I roll onto Hollis, kissing him deeply. He moans loudly and fuck if I don’t hope that Cuntingham hears it.

“I brought lube,” Hollis murmurs. “I’ve been fingering my ass to get ready.”


My dick jolts, pre-cum already leaking from the tip.

“You’re going to let me fuck you?”

“We don’t exactly get much time alone,” he whispers. “I will take what I can get from you when I can get it.” He nips at my bottom lip. “Take your clothes off, Roan. Let me feel you.”

Goddamn him.

He gets so confident and bossy in the bedroom. It makes me want to obey every fucking word. He’s dangerous, but I don’t care. I want to devour every wicked drop of him.

Undressing inside a sleeping bag proves to be difficult, but I manage to remove the lower half of my clothes. Once he’s halfway naked too, I rub my cold skin against his. It feels good with his solid muscles twitching and flexing beneath mine.

He fumbles in the dark and I hear something unzip.

“Here. Condom. Lube.”

I paw at him in the

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