Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,57

see three familiar faces, I tense up. It’s Sidney, Gio, and Hollis.

“Sidney,” Cal tattles. “She invites everyone to Campfire Chaos. It was much better when it was just the four of us. Fucking girls.”

“She’s fucking that nerd.” Terrence nods toward Gio. “Her own clan of bitches have left her high and dry. So I think we should just tell her she’s not cool to come anymore.”

“I mean, she’s not sucking any of our dicks lately, so she’s kind of useless.” Cal’s cold words hit me right in the chest. Before I can respond, Jordy pipes up.

“She never sucked my dick,” Jordy growls. “And you know it makes you sound like total cunts right now. Discussing like a couple of bitches how you won’t invite some chick anymore because she’s no longer sucking your dick.”

I smirk because it’s true. Terrence and Cal are cool most days, but sometimes they act like such douchebags.

“You gotta pay to play,” Cal says, grinning wolfishly at us.

“I think she’s paid plenty,” I grind out as I rise to my feet. “Sidney’s cool. Leave her alone.” After the last time we slept together, around New Year’s, I swore to myself I’d stop using her for sex, because it’s true. Sidney is cool and deserves more than that.

Jordy throws a handful of snow at Cal. When they get into it, slinging it back and forth, I trudge over to where the three of them—Gio, Sidney, and Hollis—are erecting a tent. Gio pauses every few minutes to steal kisses from Sidney. I’ve never heard her laugh before. Not like this—carefree and happy. Her giggles from before were flirty and forced. She’s fucking snorting right now.

Hollis gives me a knowing look. One that says he knows I’d like to be stealing kisses right now, but I won’t. He’s mistaken.

“Yo,” I call out to him. “Want to help me grab wood for the fire?”

No one pays attention as we walk away from the camp area and into the woods. I find a thick tree and push him up against it. My gloved palms find his neck and I kiss his cold lips. He grips my coat, pulling me closer. Our tongues lash playfully until hunger and need take over. I want him. Naked and pressed against me. I want him to fuck me or me to fuck him. I don’t care as long as we’re doing it together.

“Better calm down before someone sees,” he reminds me.

I don’t care if anyone sees.

I just want him.

My lips trail kisses to his neck and I suck on his skin, loving the groans coming from him. I’m marking the porcelain boy’s flesh so that it’s purple and blue and angry looking. Maybe it’ll tell Cuntingham to look away.

Hollis is mine.

I bite his neck playfully. His reaction turns me the hell on. He grips me tighter and thrusts his hips against mine, a needy moan climbing up his throat.

“I can’t wait to get you in my tent tonight,” I growl against the shell of his ear. “I’m going to—”

My words are cut short by the thumping of loud bass. A black SUV rounds the curve, blinding us in its headlights. We break apart and I squint, trying to figure out who the fuck is crashing our party. I know everyone who comes here and no one has a car like that. It passes us, heading for the campfire.

“Come on,” I say, taking Hollis’s hand and squeezing it.

We walk hand in hand back toward the group and I reluctantly let go at the last second. Some guys hop out of the black SUV and walk right over to Jordy. I don’t like the way they’ve crowded him.

“Stay here,” I order, trudging around the campfire to my friends.

Cal and Terrence are standing behind Jordy, their eyes narrowed and bodies tense. Hatred gleams in Jordy’s eyes. When he sees me approaching, fear flashes in his eyes. Fucking fear. Oh hell no.

“Can we help you?” I snap, coming to stand beside my best friend.

The motherfucker clearly in charge who wears a red bandana laughs at me. “What are you? The fucking butler?”

I fist my hands, but Jordy grips my bicep, stopping me from pummeling this asshole.

“What do you want, Renaldo?”


“Just checking up on you, buddy.” Renaldo grins. “You haven’t been to work in a few days. Juno’s swamped. I told him I’d pay you a visit to see what’s up.”

“School. Basketball,” Jordy bites out. “I’m in high school in case you forgot.”

“I didn’t forget,” Renaldo says. “I also didn’t

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