Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,56

night and not get to touch you.”

“Who says you couldn’t touch me?”

“You’ll be with the Hoodlums.”

“So? You don’t think I’m going to tuck in early and drag you back to my tent?”

“How romantic.”

He laughs and the sound warms my heart. “Of course the first guy I decide to hook up with is high-maintenance as fuck.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha,” I deadpan. “And maybe I’ll be the only guy you ever decide to hook up with. I’m kind of a big deal. You won’t ever find anyone like me again.”

He’s quiet for a moment, which makes my nerves go haywire. My stomach aches something fierce until he gives me a reprieve, gifting me with a gravelly response.

“The only guy,” he confirms. “Come Friday night and then Saturday night we’ll go out just the two of us.”

“You play dirty.”

“The only way to play. Dirty is fun.”

“Fiiiiiiine,” I drawl out. “I’ll go, but if I end up in the river again, you owe me more than a date.”

“Hollis,” he growls. “You’re not going back in that river and Jordy won’t touch a hair on your goddamn head. I swear to you.”

I’m about to throw back a teasing remark when my phone beeps. Incoming call. From Dad.

“Fuck,” I mutter.


“My dad is trying to reach me.”

“Your dad’s a real asshole, huh?”


“So’s mine.”

He doesn’t give up much on his personal life, so when he does, I’m like a kid on Christmas morning, eager to open the present to learn more about him.

“I don’t know if your aunt told you, but my dad’s in prison.” His voice grows cold. “At least when he was around, Mom gave a shit.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It is what it is. We were given shitty dads. It’s our duty in life not to turn out like them.”

My dad may not be in prison, but he destroyed his son with his cruel, callous words and ability to cut me off based on my sexuality.

“My dad hates my being gay so much, he didn’t just give me up,” I say with a ragged sigh. “He gave them up. How could he do that to them?”

“And to you. To all of you, Hollis. Not just them.”

Tears burn at my eyes. I feel like I’m going to throw up, just like I always do when I think about my dad and what he did because of me. “I hate him.” And I hate how my voice cracks with emotion. That Dad still hurts me every day and he’s not even here.

“I hate mine too. At least your mom’s cool as shit.”

“Your mom is a bitch. You and Roux deserve someone who cares.”

“I’m okay,” he murmurs, his voice devoid of emotion. “It’s Roux I worry about.”

“Roux has you,” I remind him. “Better than your shitty parents combined.”

The line grows quiet, both of us lost in thought.

“You’ll have fun tonight with the guys,” I say. “They probably miss you.”

“I wish it were you coming over instead.” Big, mean Roan is pouting and I love it.

“Me too.”

“This weekend is all about us,” he tells me in a fierce tone. “I’m going to suck on your neck until it’s nice and purple, so no other fuck faces like Tyler Cuntingham will even think about flirting with you.”

Cunningham was flirting with me?

I think back to basketball practice this afternoon. He was being extra friendly, but I didn’t think he’d been flirting.

“Someone’s jealous,” I taunt, laughing at him.

“I’m not jealous.”

“You totally are. This is hilarious. Is he going to be at Campfire Chaos?”

“It’ll be his ass that ends up in the river,” Roan grumbles.


He’s not like his psycho best friend.

“It’s cute you’re jealous.” I love poking this bear.

“Not jealous, rat.”

“Totally are, rat lover.”

“Don’t call me that.” His voice is filled with amusement and then it fades. “Dammit. They’re here. Tomorrow night. And if Cuntingham so much as looks at you at the game tomorrow, I’m tripping him. He can fall on his fucking face for all I care. Coach can kick me out of the game.”

“You’re so precious,” I tease. “Defending my honor.”

“Bye, fucker.”

“Bye, hero.”

He mumbles out a “fuck you” before hanging up.

My heart skips several times.

Roan Hirsch is jealous. Because he likes me. Really likes me. He’s possessive and doesn’t want other guys looking my way. I haven’t felt so overjoyed in as far back as I can remember. I’m still grinning when my phone rings.


He sucks the joy right from me.


“Ah, Jesus,” Terrence complains. “Who invited him?”

I squint in the snowy darkness, trying to make out who’s walking toward us. As soon as I

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